with phyton api this seem to work now:
# first install this:
#sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
#sudo pip install -U steem
# if default api node not functioning use this node (use command line)
#steempy set nodes https://rpc.buildteam.io
from steem.account import Account
a = Account("arcurus")
for op in a.history(filter_by=['fill_order']):
if op['open_owner'] == 'arcurus':
#print(op['open_owner'] + '; ' + op['current_pays'] + '; ' + op['open_pays'] + '; ' + op['timestamp']+ ';')
str = 'Trade; ' + op['current_pays'] + '; ' + op['open_pays'] + '; ' + op['timestamp'].replace('T', ' ') + ';'
str = 'Trade; ' + op['open_pays'] + '; ' + op['current_pays'] + '; ' + op['timestamp'].replace('T', ' ') + ';'
print(str.replace(' SBD', '; SBD').replace(' STEEM', '; STEEM'));```