
This is the eleventh (and second to to last) entry on the series of translations of GPLCart. I just completed yet another set of partial translations of the GPLCart project's language files, from English to Spanish, through the Crowdin language translation platform.

The project before this contribution, on 83% in Spanish
Want to know more about this project? Read here:
What is GPLCart?
GPLCart is an open source e-commerce platform based on the classical LAMP stack (Linux+ Apache+Mysql+PHP). It's a free, simple, modern and extensible solution that allows you to build online shops fast and easy. GplCart is not a fork of an existing software. It's completely unique, made "with blood, sweat and tears" from the scratch.
Quote extracted from their Github README.md file.
GPLCart follows a simple MVC pattern and is compatible with most recent technologies and frameworks. It's really simple to use, but at the same time extremely extensible: you can use a series of libraries and addons with it, letting you tweak your e-commerce store as much as you need!
If you want to learn more about GPLCart, check out their Github repository.

Sample of translated strings
- No hay acceso para agregar productos
- Asociar a este usuario con una tienda determinada
- Usar valores por defecto
- Fecha de finalización
- Cuántos artículos procesar por cada iteración. Depende de tu configuración PHP y capacidad del servidor
- Cuántas columnas obtener de la API de Google Analytics. Valor máximo permitido - 100
- No hay acceso para cargar archivos
- Relativa a la fecha actual, e.g @example
- Cómo asociar productos con columnas CSV. Cada regla debe consistir de un par "clave de datos de producto/nombre de columna" separado por un espacio en blanco. Una regla por línea. Descargar plantilla predeterminada
- Seleccione las columnas a ser utilizadas como fuentes de datos cuando un producto se esté actualizando
- Personalizar panel de control
- Permite importar productos de archivos CSV
- Tienda predeterminada
- Los roles son conjuntos de permisos que controlan lo que los usuarios pueden hacer y ver en el sitio
- Permite transliterar letras no latinas al detectar automáticamente el idioma fuente
- La derivación debe contener exactamente 4 números positivos separados por coma
- Caracter que separa columnas en tu archivo CSV
- Todas las páginas con el grupo de categoría seleccionado serán tratadas como publicaciones de blog

Status of the translation
In this contribution, I added a total of 133 translated strings, with 672 translated words, representing a change of +6% that is now translated to Spanish.
This means that, right now, there are 1557 translated strings with 11104 translated words, for a total of 91% that is now in Spanish. You can find the Spanish translation here in Crowdin.
Note that some of the pictures include counts that overlap with my previous contribution, regarding the amount of words and activity in a given day.

Words translated today (overlapping with the previous contribution)

Status of some of the files (almost done!)
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