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RE: Turkish-Translation-of-Alfresco-Part2-1157-Words-Translated

in #utopian-io7 years ago

Thanks for your warning. I changed github link of the application. (it was complete alfresco link before, i have put alfresco-repository link now)
I understand that the space mismatch made you suspicious about machine translation. I have deleted 2 spaces above, but they had no impact on the code because they were in string area. Just fyi.
As content, it is NOT a machine translation and has NEVER been like that. LDAP, External and internal authentication is my professionel area and i think this work is precious because it is hard to translate the terminology for those who dont know what LDAP is. SO, i hope you approve my work. And a warning before a certain defamation will always be appreciated.
As a pretty new user here, i would like to contribute more to utopian. im not a cheater.