Project Details :
This is the open translation project for MODX Revolution. MODX Revolution is an award-winning, Open Source PHP web content management system and framework. It is used by hundreds of thousands of users worldwide.
Translators can either use Crowdin's online app or in-context translation at MODX Cloud. To access the MODX Cloud send an email to: help [at] modx [dot] com with the subject "In-Context Translation Access"
The translation project was made from these following links :
Link of the project :
Link of github :
Link of the project activity :
My activity :
Source Language
Translated Language
I have translated 1231 words to Indonesian language
Proof of work
Before I'm doing this project, I ask the crowdin team to accept me as translator for english-indonesian and Crowdin team notify me via email to translate MODX Revolution project.
Before Translate:
During Translate:
After Translate:
I hope this contribution for this project can help Microsoft Makecode to create the paper with other language.
Regards, aftersunday
Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors
Your contribution cannot be approved because it does not follow the Utopian Rules.
I saw your translation is not accurate and I can't check your translation because I have to join first , I also see you complete a sentence that long in a time of 2 minutes , and that sentence has a lot of code that does not need to be translated!
You can contact us on Discord.