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RE: Unrealistic goal... but the goal none the less... 100% User retention...

Your post contains some of the wisest words that I have so far come across on the steemit platform. Congratulations on putting your insights into words that the rest of us can contemplate! And perhaps act upon..........


It is a mental evolutionary process. I spend a lot of time mentally jousting with myself. So a lot of the things people would attack my ideas about I likely have also attacked myself before saying anything. Though I still am often surprised, and I am often wrong. I actually like being wrong. I forget most of the things I was right about, but the things I am wrong about tend to alter my mind.

I like it.

I didn't always... it's an ongoing process.

Thank you for your kind words. I often wonder if I am making sense. So it is nice when someone indicates it did make sense.

Though challenge is good too so I can evolve the ideas further outside of the confines of my own mind.

It makes superb sense!