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RE: A Deflationary Collapse is Upon Us - Karl Denninger Interview []

in #useconomy7 years ago

Then inherent flaw to fractional reserve banking is boom and bust instability. As it requires perpetual debt growth to have any form of stability. We know in the real world "perpetual debt growth" (new loans brought into existence to increase the money supply in proportion to continually cover the interest of past debt) is not achievable, so as their is no cure for this problem they look to simply treating the problem using quantitative easing.
This system although inherently flawed can limp along at the will of the major beneficiary's of global banking such as the beneficiary's of the world bank, IMF, and Federal Reserve (basically the wealthiest families on the planet) who through the terms "private investor bail outs" along with quantitative easing can keep basic faith and order among the masses. On the flip side these "beneficiaries" (the collectors of the interest from the disbursed money supply through most of the modern world) can also completely collapse the entire global economy at will. For what reason or purpose they would do this is speculative but would largely coincide with some global scale war and a pre-planned replacement system of finance...
The only logical system of currency creation (in a fair world) would be an interest free currency in the form of a public trust (owned by the entire populace) which would take the place of reserve banks and commercial banks alike distributing money (loans) based on the same criteria as banks do today (assets wages) but without the application of interest.