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RE: Why european countries don't have referendums or initiatives like us states do?

in #usa7 years ago (edited)

exactly! so frustrating to see switzerland from france... those guys can vote on anything they wish. in france, nothing slitch, not even where to build an airport. Always have to go confrontational like the airport near nantes. same in usa they can vote on almost what ever they want... legalize or not, water management, roads etc.

in france and in europe (excluding switzerland) the political crony and crooks do everything they can to tell the people that they are the only one wise and educated enough to decide and that their orders must be followed and that all opposition to their orders is treasonous and seditious and must be banned from the internet! f them!

they want serf or subject, not citizens.


France suffers from many things, and one of them is colonial disease.

While other colonial empires pulled back, France kept exploiting theirs. Even today.

As a result of doing it decade after decade, France became destination for people from their squeezed out countries.

Now if they let people do referendum, im afraid majority could decide about termination of some long term practices of government. Like CFA, or administering any overseas territory, with such problems in administering their own country.