A love letter from a Kiwi to 'Merica.

in #usa8 years ago (edited)

Remember 6 months ago, when you were all just Americans? Let's remember that.

It ain't Hillary vs Trump,

Men vs Women,

White vs Black,

Liberal vs Conservative...

Let's start talking about what we want, instead of what we're afraid of.

Our kids, our parents. We want a roof over their heads.

We want to not be afraid at night.

We want to love.

We want a world that looks up to America.

Let's make America kind again.

Let's take a breath, and look who we're yelling at.

Here's a hint, it's a fellow American.

Don't let the elite push you apart.

We who feel pain right now, we're fighting. That's great.

Punch up. Punch the elite. Hit them hard.

Not your neighbor.

Punch up.

Poor people gotta realise. That's the boat we're all in. Let's row that one together.

Wake up America.

It doesn't matter who wins the election, the only true power comes from standing together, and demanding a life that's worth living.

Love your neighbour, his political views are not the reason you're oppressed, they're a symptom of the same disease. An organised, intelligent elite, who systematically fuck you over.

This election is just way to get you angry at each other, instead of the real problems.

Before you vote for a politician, support a fellow American. Look around and help one another.

That's how you make America great again.

But what would I know, I'm just a Kiwi.