This is a huge dose of WTF. I would call that a reason for immediate loss of accreditation.

in #us8 years ago

It is now possible to just skip 'US history' in a nationally accredited college? One more step towards erasing our Constitution I say. It's bad enough many people don't understand the electoral college let alone why it's part of our history.

New requirements at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. have taken away the U.S. history requirement for history majors.
As a result of a change in department requirements, history majors at George Washington University are no longer required to take a U.S. history course in order to graduate. Although professors claim that most student opt to take a U.S. history course voluntarily, it is now possible to receive a history degree from George Washington University without studying United States history.
"History majors no longer have to take foreign language classes or classes on European, North American and U.S. history and can choose to specialize in a topic or region. The changes allow students to tailor their academic plans to better reflect a globalizing world and its impact on the study of history, faculty said."