Texans’ do-it-ourselves rescue effort defines Hurricane Harvey

in #us7 years ago

Houston - As last Sunday, the risk of rainfall from the sky, Keri Henry sat in the living room of her snug West University Place nervously check on Facebook. Fluworts was growing, the emergency line went to jail, and people posting desperate requests for help: "Two elderly people have been trapped in their kitchen counter since noon." "Seven people have been trapped in the second person."

Henry grabs a notepad and starts scratching down the details, thinking he would connect people with other Facebook users offer boat and high hydraulic offer. Within a few hours, the 36-year-old Freelance Food Stylist is running a female command center from his sofa.

Henry said, "I saw some people in a post and other people to comment on another post and it just clicked," said Henry. "There was no idea what I'm doing but there is no other way to do it."

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Henry Hurricane Harvey came to define an unprecedented work-it was part of the relief effort itself. With storms in Houston, a significant network of boat owners with smartphones, neighboring computers with laptops, and mapping software to help bury the digital wizards and help the soldiers of the good contemporaries who were hurt in dangerous waters to save the family, friends and total strangers

The reaction of "we humans" clearly expresses Texan, which relies on the government for an outgrowth of genetic disinclination around the state - and in some cases, is willing to firmly reject it. Just as some tectonians disobeyed mandatory inspections before the storm, many rescuers resorted to government warnings repeatedly to stop the roads flooded with treacherous and fast flowing waters.

Texas officials have repeatedly emphasized the importance of personal responsibility. Although they warned the people not to say 911, their life was in immediate danger. The top elected officer of Houston's Northeastern Tyler said, if they reject the deportation order, then do not expect people to seek salvation. His fine-shaped words on Facebook: "Come on or mute!"

Across Southwest Texas, Police, Firefighter, National Guard, Coast Guard and other agencies react with infinite strength. But in Harvey's sharp thunderstorm - hundreds of miles across the road, the roads were released to spend day with bucket rains and initially surrounded the rescue plane - no official response was probably enough.

So ordinary people accept the challenge.

"The community response that was completely different from what I have ever seen. I can not explain to you how amazing it is!" Houston Police Captain Yashar Bashir said that people standing in the West Houston area last week had a volunteer flotilla Was watching.

Puliśa nanasṭapa kāja karachila, "kintu āmarā ēṭā saba karatē pāri nā," baśira balēna. "Nāgarikadēra kāraṇē āmarā sabā'i bēriẏē āsatē pērēchi."

2005 Sālē yakhana hāririna kyāṭarinā ni'u arlinsakē bidhbasta karēchila takhana sē'i prayuktiṭi dbārā nāgarikarā ud'dhāra abhiyāna sambhaba haẏēchila. Tārapara, hyāma rēḍi'ō bā sambādadātārā sambāda mādhyamē sambāda pracāra ēbaṁ saṅgaṭhita ud'dhārēra jan'ya ē'ēma rēḍi'ō śunatē pēlēna, yārā sthānīẏa sambāda blagē sāhāyyēra jan'ya tādēra kām̐dachē.

2007 Sālē, ayāpala ā'iphōna cālu karēchē, sōśyāla miḍiẏāra ut'thānakē tbarānbita karachē bartamānē, tina caturthānśēra bēśi āmērikānarā tādēra pakēṭē ēkaṭi smārṭaphōna bahana karē, pi'u risārca sēnṭāra anuyāẏī. Ē'i hā'ipāra-sanyukta yugēra bhōra thēkē mārkina yuktarāṣṭrēra bā'irē khēlā hārbhē br̥hattama prākr̥tika duryōga.

Hārbhi ēra śaktiśālī bātāsē kōpāsa khrisṭēra kāchākāchi dakṣiṇē ṭēksāsa upakūla atikrama karē, hi'usṭana kyāṭarināra samaẏa ni'u arlinsa āghāta yē kambala śakti ākramana bhōga nā. Phalasbarūpa, sēlaphōnēra kāja nā karē lyāpaṭapēra upara nirbhara karā chāṛā'ō āra'ō anēka jāẏagāẏa, lōkēśanaguli cārja karā hatō ēbaṁ mānuṣa phēsabuka grupa ēbaṁ bārtā bōrḍa, ṭu'iṭāra, Instagram, Nextdoor ēbaṁ Snapchat añcalē prabēśa karatē pārabē.

Ud'dhārakārīrā jēllōra upara byāpakabhābē nirbharaśīla, ēkaṭi bināmūlyē"ōẏāki-ṭōki" ayāplikēśana yā biśbajuṛē saṅghāta añcalagulitē karmīdēra madhyē janapriẏa haẏē uṭhēchē. Ayāpaṭi sēlaphōna ḍēṭā plyāna bā ōẏā'iphā'itē kāja karē ēbaṁ ēṭi ēmana sthānē kāja karāra jan'ya ḍijā'ina karā haẏa yēkhānē saṅkēta durbala haẏa, yā biśēṣa karē duryōgēra kṣētrē upayōgī karē tōlē. Ēṭā śikāra ēbaṁ ud'dhārakārī nirdiṣṭa cyānēlagulitē bhaẏēsa bārtā pōsṭa karatē dēẏa, yēmana"dya kajuna nēbhi" ēbaṁ"hārbhi prāṇī rēsaki'u".

Asṭina bhittika ēkaṭi sṭārṭa-āpa, jēlōra pradhāna nirbāhī bila mura balēna, hi'usṭanē hārbhitē āghāta byabahārē ayāpaṭi 20 guṇa br̥d'dhi pēẏēchē.

Hi'usṭanarā tādēra nijasba ḍijiṭāla sarañjāmaguli'ō gaṛē tulatē pārata kāraṇa ban'yā plābitarā bēṛē uṭhēchila. Sā'iṭēra tinaṭi bandhu"hi'usṭana hārbhi rēsaki'u" ōẏēbasā'iṭaṭi tairi karēchē, "3 ghaṇṭāra kama samaẏēra madhyē, biratihīna bidyuṯ diẏē, ēbaṁ 2 jibi sārbhārē [ēbaṁ] 2 gigābā'iṭa sārbhāra." Ē'i sā'iṭaṭi byabahārakārīdēra ēkaṭi pinaṭi ḍrapa karāra anumati dēẏa gugala myāpa kaṣṭē mānuṣakē ud'dhārakārīdēra satarka karē jaruri abasthāṭi nirdēśa karāra jan'ya pinēra raṅa paribartana karā yētē pārē, ēbaṁ rēsaki'u sampanna halē pinaṭi apasāraṇa karā yētē pārē, yātē ud'dhārakārīrā śahara juṛē cāhidāra ēkaṭi bāstaba-samaẏa dr̥ṣṭibhaṅgi pradāna karē.

Ē'i sā'iṭaṭi"śūn'ya 7,600 sakriẏa ud'dhārēra" jan'ya krēḍiṭa dābi karē. "Dīrgha galpaṭi saṅkṣipta: Āmarā āra praẏōjana nē'i", tāra tinaṭi sr̥ṣṭikartā, myāthu māracēṭi, n'yēṭa lārasana ō alibhāra kārṭārēra ēkaṭi pōsṭaṭi paṛuna. "Hi'usṭana nijēra muktira jan'ya unmukta karē diẏēchilēna."

Ēmanaki ṭēksāsa n'yāśanāla gārḍamyāna kakhana'ō kakhana'ō tādēra sēlaphōnēra rēḍi'ō tulanāẏa ārō darakārī pā'ōẏā, yā sīmita parisīmā āchē. Ē'i saptāhē saśastra hāmalāra samaẏa, sain'yarā phēsabukē ud'dhārēra praẏōjanē nāgarikadēra bēsāmarika ripōrṭa prāptira jan'ya ēkaṭi gurutbapūrṇa hātiẏāra haẏē ōṭhē. SPC. Jāsṭina snō ēkaṭi phēsabuka pōsṭa thēkē ēkaṭi ban'yā bilḍiṁ madhyē āṭakē ēkaṭi sābaskripaśana i'uniṭa khum̐jē pā'ōẏā ēbaṁ ud'dhāra kaẏēka ḍajana mānuṣa ud'dhāra

"gugala myāpasa bandha hāṭa ēbaṁ ā'iphōna nēbhigēśana pina ḍrapa", tuṣāra balēna,.

Anibārya ban'ya hinsra cēja chila. Br̥haspatibāra pōrṭa ārthārēra ēkaṭi phēsabuka pōsṭē balēchē, manṭrōja upabibhāgē ēkaṭi ud'dhārakārīkē bidyuṯ dē'ōẏā haẏēchē. Agnisanyōgakārīrā taliẏē giẏēchila kintu kē'u'i khum̐jē pāẏani - kaẏēka ḍajana mithyā ripōrṭa.

"Sōśyāla miḍiẏā āmādēra ēta tathya prasārita karāra anumati diẏēchē kintu ēṭi prāẏa tathya ōbhāralōḍa, "śyā'ōna bauḍruksa, kējuna naubāhinīra mukti bāhinīra bhā'isa prēsiḍēnṭa, lēka cārlasa lātē kamānḍa pōsṭa thēkē ēkajana sbēcchāsēbaka ud'dhāra abhiyāna" balēchēna. Āmarā hyākasa āchē. "

Tathya ōbhāralōḍa ēra phalē bēśa kaẏēkabāra sbēcchāsēbaka ōbhāralōḍa haẏē giẏēchila, ēbaṁ kichu janaganēra nāgarikadēra ud'dhārakārīrā ēmana ēlākā thēkē dūrē sarē giẏēchila yēkhānē itimadhyē jalādhārē anēkaguli naukā chila. Pābalika nirāpattā ṭēksāsa ḍipārṭamēnṭa kichu overeager ud'dhāra kintu cālita sbēcchāsēbakadēra yāra naukā druta calatē pratyābartana

ēkhana'ō, adhikānśa anśa jan'ya, improvisational pracēṣṭā saphala chila.

Gata śanibāra bhrāmyamāna gatitē ēnḍru brēna'iẏēsa tāra paścima hā'usṭana pārśbabartī ban'yāra samaẏa dēkhēchilēna, tāra prathama cintā chila phēsabuka lā'ibha. Tini śāstimūlaka br̥ṣṭitē tāra smārṭaphōna ṭānā ēbaṁ naukā saṅgē sbēcchāsēbakadēra jan'ya pleaded।
Police was acting nonstop, "But we can not do it all," Bashir said. "We all came out because of the citizens."

In 2005, when Hariri Katrina devastated New Orleans, the technology was able to rescue the citizens. Then, the HAM radio or news reporters heard AM radio for news coverage and organized rescue, who are crying for help on local news blogs.

In 2007, Apple launched iPhone, accelerating the rise of social media, more than three quarters of Americans now carry a smartphone in their pocket, according to Pew Research Center. From the dawn of this hyper-connected era, the biggest natural disaster in Harvey is to play outside the United States.

Harvey's strong winds cross the coast of Texas near the Copts of Christ, Houston does not enjoy the blanket attack that hit New Orleans during Katrina. As a result, apart from relying on the laptop without working on the cellphone, locations were charged in many places, and people could access the Facebook group and message board, Twitter, Instagram, Nextdoor and Snapchat regions.

Rescuers are heavily dependent on Jillor, a free "Walkie-Token" application that has become popular among workers in conflict areas around the world. The app works in a cellphone data plan or WiFi, and it is designed to work in areas where the signal is weak, which is especially useful for disaster. This allows victims and rescuers to post voice messages to specific channels, such as "The Kajon Navy" and "Harvey Animals Rescue".

A startup based Austin-based CEO, Jillon Chief Executive Bill Moore, said that the app has increased 20 times in Harvey using Houston's hit.

Houston could also develop their own digital tools because flood flooding grew. The site "Houston Harvey Rescue" has created three friends, "in less than 3 hours, with uninterrupted power, and 2 GB [and] 2GB server on server." This site allows users to drop a pin Google map warns people in distress, pins can be changed to indicate an emergency, and the pins can be removed when the rescue is completed so that the rescuers provide a real-time view of the needs across the city. .

This site claims credit for "zero 7,600 active rescue". "Short story short: We no longer need", read a post from his three creators, Matthew Murchati, Nat Larson and Oliver Carter. "Houston made its release open."

Even the Texas National Guardman has a limited range which is sometimes found to be more useful than their cellphone radios. During this week's armed assault, soldiers became an important tool for the citizens to obtain civilian reports on the need for rescue on Facebook. SPC Justin Snow found a subscription unit stuck in a flood building from a Facebook post and rescued dozens of people rescued

"Google Maps hits off and pin on iPhone", said the snow.

There was inevitable wild violent chase. On Thursday, a Facebook post on Port Arthur said that a rescuer was given power in the Montrose subdivision. The arsonists went down, but no one could find - dozens of false reports.

"Social media has allowed us to expand so much information, but it is almost overloaded," Shaun Boudrucks, Vice President of the Liberation Army of the Czun Navy, a volunteer rescue mission from the command post in Lake Charles Late. "We have hacks."

Several times volunteers were overloaded due to information overload, and some people's rescuers had moved away from areas where there were already many boats in the reservoir. The Texas Department of Public Safety sees some overeager but driven volunteers whose boat reaches quickly

Still, for the most part, improvisational efforts were successful.

On Saturday morning, Andrew Brenewis watched the flurry surrounding his West Houston, his first thought was Facebook Live. He pulled his smartphone into disciplinary rain and pleaded for volunteers with boats.

After forty-five minutes, the first trail came with a boat on a trailer. Then 10 more then 20. Then Brenneise was a Fleetlla in the next six days, hundreds of people and animals, which were liner, kayak, canoes and flat skirts of the lower skirts.

"It's who we are, a business development director of the chemical company," said 31-year-old Briance. "Police and fire-fighting people can not be everywhere, so take action in the community and take control."

Tanners Montgomery (39), real estate agent and two friends wandered along the train with a shoulder of three hours train from San Antonio, which is known as Westchase, where the tree-shaped streets of the early home were threatened every week, near the Barkar reserve near Montgomery Brenes Did not hear the application, but on Facebook and through the post of jailer Bang was warned by text messages from other volunteers.

"There are many people who just need help with emergency services," Montgomery said. "There are many government employees, and we have a lot more."

Indeed, the emergency service was so thin that police does not come to take control of rescue operation in Westchase till Thursday. Nevertheless, they did not have any vessels, so they were surrounded with civilian navies like Montgomery's shoulders.

At the memorial, one of the oldest Houston communities, Danger Courtney and Alex Climon spent their private vessels exploring the shelter of neighboring neighbors.

"I just sat in my chest, and I went," I can not see it and I do not help, "Climman, 44, said that an insurance agent, Tex, who took 2 hours from Palestine.

Houston's Interior Designer 48 Courtney said, "In fact, as a sustain, you know that you are called for responsibility while doing such things." "You're a hunter and a fisherman and a radical man, so you got your boat here. And if not, we do not claim you as a Texan."

Henry began his personal rescue operation on Sunday afternoon lunch from his comfortable departmental area, from an independent city near West University Place, Houston City.

"It turns out that my Facebook addiction was actually a motive," he said. As the water grew, he divided his notebook for help in three sections: "Babi." "Elderly." "Family."

On Sunday night, she slept for only two hours.

He said, "I do not know how much time I lived." "It was difficult to stop yourself from sleeping."

First, he looks at linking boater and hunters in nearby areas - Blair, Bresud, Mayerland. But as soon as the word of his job spread, he began to receive tags and personal messages from the improvisers and the non-vigilantes in Katari and to the end, everyone in Houston

As far as returning from Florida, Boaters found its way to Facebook, where to seek direction on deployment, then Henry Houston lawyer, Thomas J. Appeals with Holimus III, who was the naval commander in his boat.

Helmos had some suggestions: Online emergency form. Created by Google Docs, the forms allow victims and volunteers to provide rescuers with important details about their location and health. Then the information that was uploaded to a master spreadsheet, the rescuers could know that the larger family, pets or hunting amount more than 300 pounds.

"Many random boaters are filling in my google transmit form that I realized that they could be sent almost any requirement," said Henry. "Our operations are increasing."

From last Sunday to Thursday, he did a job, who had heard of his home in Hawaii at the height of his efforts, Henry speculated that he is helping to manage 39 teams in three or four vessels - a countless number of 100 good Samaritan Protecting lives.

"Once I have rescued a few people and everything started to move forward, I did not just look away," he said. "Who am I going to give the torch? 911? No way. It was not an option."


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Hurricane Harvey wasn't that bad compared to the last couple of hurricanes.