Sinners outside the New Jerusalem doesn't disprove Universal Reconciliation.

in #ur4 years ago

The most silliest argument of some of the Full Preterists who reject Universal Reconciliation is the presence of vile sinners outside the gates of New Jerusalem. (Rev 22:15).

In the first place, New Jerusalem is NOT about heaven, it CAME DOWN OUT OF HEAVEN (Rev 21:1, 2).

Those sinners outside the gates of NJ have the option entering the city after washing their clothes in the living water that flows out from the city. (Rev 22:15).

The source of the living water is the river of living waters that flow from the throne of God and His Lamb. (Rev 22:1, 2).

If you are a believer, the rivers of living water has to flow out from your heart - Joh 7:38, you are the temple and throne of God.

If the vile sinners remain outside the gates of the New Jerusalem, it is because there is no flow of living waters from your heart. Because of your judgmentalism, your legalism, your hatred towards unbelievers and sinners, what flows out your heart is drains of stinking, toxic mire, which can't even save yourself!

The presence of sinners outside the gates of NJ is not their failure. Nor the failure of God and His Christ. It is your failure to produce leaves that would heal the nations. It is your failure to let the rivers of living waters to flow out of your heart.

Last, but not the least, NJ is not the final destiny of human spirit. You are (supposed to be) the New Jerusalem. You have to produce fruits and leaves to heal the nations.

So, move your fat asses from your comfort zones and do something that is of any use in healing the nations.

Have a great day!
Tomsan Kattackal


Sorry I haven't checked on you before now, been kinda busy don't cha know...
If the vile sinners remain outside the gates of the New Jerusalem, it is because there is no flow of living waters from your heart. Because of your judgmentalism, your legalism, your hatred towards unbelievers and sinners, what flows out your heart is drains of stinking, toxic mire, which can't even save yourself!
That right there is some powerful stuff @tomsan.kattackal, and it is something that is close to my heart.
I have friends and especially family members who attend great big churches with orchestras and feasting halls, who act all sanctimonious and "Saved" while being so OBVIOUSLY judgmental and "holier than thou" that I can't even speak to them for their hypocrisy.
I still love them, I just don't like them.

I have some friends here who might like to 'meet' you Taz, @ironshield and @elpastor, though they might not agree with your specific theologies, they are religious and possibly would enjoy discourse with you.
This post is upvoted and reblogged my friend.
Don't stop now 💚

Thank you, I have followed the friends you have suggested.

Those were just suggestions, based on their posting of religious oriented things and/or comments.
They will not be UR followers, but they might be more likely to read and follow your works @tomsan.kattackal.
I don't really see a whole lot of religious posts or topics on here.
Perhaps you will change that. Good luck my friend

NJ is not the final destiny of human spirit

I should hope not, New Jersey isn't my kind of place ha ha ha 🤣