Upvotes - My new Setup [ENG-PT]

in #upvotes5 days ago (edited)

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I've read several publications on curating and assigning votes, all with different perspectives. As I always do, I absorb what comes from outside, paying special attention to the opinions of the “veterans”, and build my methodology.

I experiment, I make mistakes, I study until I arrive at what I consider to be my ideal. (It's a craze. I live like this😁)

We humans are eternally dissatisfied, and sometimes we sulk because we think what we're being given is unfair, when often we also contribute to that unfairness. It was with this in mind that I decided to try out a new strategy in my vote allocation.

I recently received a temporary delegation of 300 HP from @poshtoken for taking part in a prize draw, the value of my vote went up substantially and I saw the opportunity to change the curation setup.

Not least because, I confess, I was always compulsive when it came to assigning votes. I would scroll, scroll like crazy, casting votes for things I liked like no tomorrow. Then I'd notice that the fuel was missing. The value of the vote would drop dramatically and I'd have to wait hours, days, for the fuel to rise. In the meantime, the publications were being published and the vote already had a minimum value - out of line with what they deserved.

I waited for the “Voting Mana” to reach 100% and started distributing the votes as follows:

  • 3 communities that I delegate some HP to because I recognize their work at HIVE = 80% of the vote

  • 3 new users (I search “introduce myself”) = 100% of the vote.

  • 2 new users with a reputation below 60 = 100% of the vote.

  • 12 users who inspire me, who add value to HIVE, and who regularly follow me in a genuine way = 80% to 100%

  • 5 random Snaps = 20%

That's 25 votes in total. The “Voting Mana” drops to 69.5% (it needs 2 days to load to 100%).

I want to curate manually because I like to pay attention to what I vote for. I don't know if it's the right formula, but without trying I'll never know.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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Reveal spoiler

[Votos – o meu novo Setup]
Já tenho lido várias publicações sobre a curadoria e atribuição dos votos, todas elas com perspectivas diferentes. Como sempre faço, absorvo o que vem do exterior, com especial atenção às opiniões dos "veteranos”, construo a minha metodologia.

Vou experimentando, errando, vou estudando até chegar ao que considero o meu ideal. (É uma mania. Vivo bem assim)
Nós humanos somos uns eternos insatisfeitos, por vezes ficamos amuados porque achamos que o que nos dão é injusto, quando muitas vezes também contribuímos para essa injustiça. Foi a pensar nisso que resolvi experimentar uma estratégia nova na minha atribuição de votos.

Recentemente recebi uma delegação temporária de 300 HP da @poshtoken por participar num sorteio, o valor do meu voto subiu substancialmente e vi a oportunidade de mudar o setup de curadoria.

Até porque, confesso, fui sempre compulsivo na atribuição de votos. Era scrollar, scrollar à maluca, distribuir votos em coisas que gostava como não houvesse amanhã. Depois reparava que faltava o “fuel”. O valor do voto baixava drasticamente e tinha de esperar horas, dias, para o fuel subir. Entretanto as publicações iam passando, o voto já tinha valor mínimo – desajustado ao que mereciam.

Esperei que o “Voting Mana” chegasse aos 100% e comecei a distribuir os votos da seguinte forma:

-3 comunidades que delego algum HP por reconhecer o seu trabalho na HIVE = 80% do voto

-3 novos usuários (pesquizo “introduce myself”) = 100% do voto.

-2 usuários de conta recente, com uma reputação inferior a 60 = 100% do voto.

-12 usuários que me inspiram, que acrescentam valor à HIVE, e que me acompanham regularmente de uma forma genuína = 80% a 100%

-5 Snaps aleatórios = 20%

São 25 votos no total. O “Voting Mana” baixa para 69,5% (precisa de 2 dias para carregar a 100%).

Quero fazer a curadoria manualmente porque gosto de dar atenção ao que voto. Não sei se é a fórmula mais correta, mas sem tentar nunca vou saber.


I think voting manually will always be better even if it won't affect your curation returns. It's more personal and shows you've consumed the content and attempted to connect with other people which might get you a more genuine following.

There's only so much attention a person can put into other people's content in a day so I always tell people to use their votes wisely and try to also leave some engagement with them so they know it was manual!

Don't forget to participate in the next posh contest coming up soon!

Thanks for the tips.

Yes, I won't forget😉

hey friend. love to read about your experimentation here on Hive.
i vote only manually, mostly just 100%, but i never go lover then 86%, so i can return back to votes a few times a day, cos the "fuel" is returning back muuuuuch faster we are not under 86%
Recently i learned from you to use "CommentRewarder" as a benefactor for my posts, so tried it once, lets see how it works.

Thank you for your attention and comment👍

sure 🔥🔥🔥👍

Great points here and I’m still, I have to confess; figuring it all out! I’ve been here for ages. Do you use auto upvotes and curation trails at all?

Thanks for the comment. I don't use trails. I like to do it manually.

I am debating whether to cut back on my use of trails and see what difference it makes to be more manual again.

Those who don't have much time available to vote can use the trail.
But with a bit of effort we managed to make it manual, it helps interact and win over new people.

That's a good curation routine if you can keep at it. Encouraging new authors is something that we all could work at.

Thank you very much for the comment. In this formula, I need almost 2 days for the vote to be 100%, then I return to the round of votes.
The beginning is always difficult, we've all been there. Providing this initial help is essential.

Nice experiment! I've been doing a lot of auto voting in the past. Just recently after a large power and thus bigger upvotes I decided to cut back in the auto voting. I do have my autovote configured so I never have my Hive Power doing nothing at 100%.

Also Snaps has made my votes more diverse. I've started following quite a few new people and interacting more.

Obrigado por promover a Língua Portuguesa em suas postagens.

Vamos seguir fortalecendo a comunidade lusófona dentro da Hive.

Metade das recompensas dessa resposta serão destinadas ao autor do post.

Vote no @perfilbrasil para Testemunha Hive.

@cryptoreforma, you're rewarding 7 replies from this discussion thread.