I don't have much to give, but I want to help!

in #upvote7 years ago


Write a comment explaining what a $0.20 upvote means to you.

  • Are you trying to increase your Steem Power?
  • Are you building an online business?
  • Do you have a special need that you need money for?
  • Is something else happening that you need help with?

I want to help my followers who really need an upvote. If you have an extra upvote to give, please consider reading the comments below and support other Steemit users.

I will upvote the first 20 votes with a 100% upvote (which is worth more than $0.20). I know that is not much, and I wish I could do more, but I hope it helps. I will not upvote spam or comments that did not answer my question.

If you do not have a need, I still want to hear from you. If you want to pass on the 100% upvote so that it can be given to someone else, let me know in in the comments.


Image Source: https://pixabay.com/en/hand-gift-bouquet-congratulation-1549399/


@sumatranate what a beautiful gesture.You can't imagine how glad I am that a pressed that follow button a few months ago.I love to be surrounded by people like you.I wish I had the chance to meet you in person.Keep up the great work! God bless you my friend!

Perhaps someday we will be able to meet in person. Who knows?

I was drawn to Steemit by the opportunity to earn money, but I quickly realized how hard it was going to be. It was the people and community that has helped me stay here.

Thank you for your support and thank you for following me.

We share so many things in common.That were exactly my thoughts too.However,I thought it better and I came to the conclusion that you always need to give back to the people.
Don't even mention it for the follow.I wish I had done it sooner to be honest

Sebagai pendatang baru di steemit, saya akan menggunakannya untuk menambah steempower saya. Dengan harapan setelah steem power saya bertambah saya bisa membantu pemula lainnya untuk berkembang di platform ini. Saling mensupport yang lainnya, mungkin dengan hak ini akan membantu saya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan yang mendesak buat saya nantinya. Thanks

Saya juja harap saya bisa berkati orang lain karena saya sangat diberkati di komunitas Steemit. Tujuanmu baik.

As a tiny minnow (or plankton I'm not really sure lol), the most important thing to me right now is building up a good following and reputation organically, so everything I earn is going to be converted directly to Steem Power for the foreseeable future.

Great goal. I did the same thing when I first started on Steemit. I hope this upvote can help you on your journey as you reach for your goal.

Thank you very much, it all helps!

I'd love to get an upvote from you. Because I've a very low steempower than doesn't cost anything now. I'd like to be able to upvote myself too and the people around me.

I think that increasing your upvote power is important. I want to give you some advice. When you use your votes to bless other people then they will support you too. Make sure that you develop good relationships with other people.

Your reason is very honest I think @loladelolz

Tidak akan rugi membantu orang lain dalam flatform steemit. Karena dengan membantu orang lain kita telah menjaga steemit tetap eksis dan terus berkembang hingga akan menguntungkan semua orang juga.

Sangat setuju. Kita semu akan berkembang bersama-sama. Flatform Steemit adalah kesempatan baik untuk berkati orang lain.

sebenarnya pertanyaan anda sangat sederhana, tapi saat anda bertanya secara langsung seperti ini ada perasaan malu (budaya indonesia) untuk menjawab sebuah pertanyaan langsung pada masalah finansial.
1.saya memiliki sebuah keluarga kecil, keadaan ekonomi disini makin hari makin hancur, kemudian seorang teman mengenalkan steemit kepada saya, katanya "untuk menambah sedikit penghasilan buat beli susu anak", setelah saya bergabung saya sadar bahwa steemit bukan hanya sekedar masalah uang, tapi kita membangun persahabatan tanpa batas, dan itu sekarang saya terapkan, saya tidak peduli apakah komentar, postingan saya mendapat upvote atau tidak, ang penting saya punya teman sekarang,
2,nilai 0.20 memang sedikit disegi materi, tapi saat kita melihat itu adalah sebuah apresisasi dari seorang teman, itu sangat berharga,,

Saya harap upvote saya (walaupun hanya 0.20 dollar) bisa menjaid berkat bagi keluar bapak. Dan saya setuju, yang paling penting adalah persahabatan kita sesama orang lain di komunitas Steemit.

Semoga sukses!

terima kasih atas semua apresiasi anda @sumatranate, semoga keberkahan juga menyertai anda sekeluarga

Thank u sir @sumatranate, I hope to improve steem power, how do I get support from you?

That is a great goal. I gave you a 100% upvote. I try to support people who follow me by replying to their comments and upvoting. I know it is not much, but I hope it is helpful for you reaching your goal.

Thanks u very much sir, nice to meet u

I've been building up my SP over the 9 months that I've been on steemit so that I can save up to buy some better photography equipment. The photos that I've shared thus far have largely been from various smartphones that I've owned over the years, but I hope to one day get a dedicated camera and some specialized lenses to take my photography game to that next level! It has been great getting to build up a small following thus far and also getting to see what neat initiatives that others are doing here on steemit.

Please give your upvote to some of the others who may need it more than I do, I've been managing to get by pretty well! It's a very neat idea to see what people are hoping to get out of being members of the steemit community!

Glad you stopped by. Glad to support you and your efforts. Hopefully, we both can hear some great stories about what people are hoping for from our community.

Thanks for your willingness to let me upvote someone else in your place. I was blessed by that sacricficial attitude.

kami memang butuh uang, tapi kami ingin mendapatkan setimpal dengan usaha kami, tidak ingin menyusahkan siapa saja, kami hanya ingin berusaha, dan steemit salah satu jalan usaha kami, tapi yang pasti persahabatan yang utama,
nilai sesuatu bukan dari nominalnya, bagi saya nominal adalah hanya angka, tapi apresiasi yang utama, dan apresiasi itu tidak selamanya menyangkut nilai (uang).

Saya setuju bahwa kita harus berfokus tentang qualitias persahabatan. Semoga sukses dalam perjalanan di Steemit. Saya senang komunitas Steemit di Aceh peduli and menghormati saya.

terima kasih kembali, semoga sukses dan berkah

Yes! I'm doing steem power. But at the very bottom

My friend, you are not at the very bottom. It looks like you have done a great job. Here is an upvote to help you keep growing.

thanks for telling! good luck

I was thinking maybe for once I can get a post that's not 0 cents. So sad. I would have given up bit I'm a stubborn woman.

I hope this upvote encourages you to keep pressing on.

I need money to pay my tuition fee which is $130 USD, but i need steem power to achieve this by upvoting my own comment or post , so by mid of next month, i will be able to garner the money before deadline of payment.

I hope that you are able to earn enough money for your tuition. Even while you have a great need, be sure to bless other people as well with your upvotes as well. I never upvote people expecting an upvote, but I am surprised how often I receive support from other people when I support them.

Thanks for the Godly advice.

Great initiative! I totally support you. I would like to give my upvote to someone else, considering that I have a good weight in voting power and I'd like to participate in solidarity with your intention :)

It has been a long time friend. Thanks for stopping by and supporting the effort. Blessings on your Steemit journey.

I knew your are trying your best to help, I have had the proof of it. I would like to response each of your question @sumatranate

Are you trying to increase your Steem Power?

Yes I do, and I am doing it right now

Are you building an online business?

Not, but it is good to help someone else in need

Do you have a special need that you need money for?
I do, but I maybe able to handle it with harder work offline.

Is something else happening that you need help with?

Not at the moment. because I always have not much in real life

and I would love to help and Upvote some of interesting comments as well

You have become a great supporter of my blog. I greatly appreciate it. I wish you the best as you continue on this journey. God bless!

I will not miss the chance to help when I could do somethings @sumatranate, that is what I have learnt from you and other great mentor of mine. wish you and your family the best, say my hello to them