Discover @positivesteem in Upvotable #38!

in #upvotable7 years ago

upvotable 38 positivesteem.png

Charles Siaw as @positivesteem is our motivational blogger, poet at heart, economist by training, father of an autistic son, die hard optimist, and is sharing his positive outlook with us on Steem! Since August 2016 when Charles joined Steem, he has made 175 blog posts and over 5,000 comments especially in responding to readers on his posts making following him ideal for having an ongoing conversation!

Would you join me in reading the posts Charles has written as @positivesteem because I have been enjoying reading many the last few days?

upvotable 37Here are a few of the posts I have enjoyed the most with some of my favorite quotes which I discovered thanks to the recommendation of @michellecarter in and the upvote from @ace108 earning which was rewarded with $30 SBD in tips!


The Value Of My Post Is Not Determined By Its Earnings at This post was so good that I wanted to immediately get to know Charles better and started reading a lot more of his posts! For writing posts, when we aim for amazing posts like this we often attract readers into our every day posts.

Favorite Quotes

When we write a post at Steemit, naturally we would hope that the post be well received and earn as much as possible. A lot of times, we also felt that the earnings of our post do not commensurate with the time and effort that we have invested to come up with the quality post. This can be very discouraging especially when we are tempted to compare our earnings with that of other posts which in our opinion may not be as good as ours but somehow managed to attract much higher earnings. Comparing earnings is a futile exercise, those who have higher earnings normally have put in a lot of hard work to build their standing, branding and reputation in this community.

RE: Exactly and no one is immune to the power of comparison to help with feeling like what we do is not good enough!

I am a veteran minnow, having joined Steemit slightly more than 1 year ago. As at 26 September, the earnings for my last 7 posts have been between a low of $0.97 to a high of $9.14 with an average earning of $3.23 per post. Of course I wished that I could earn more but that is the reality that I have to accept for now. Instead of comparing my earnings with others, I have to question myself, which areas do I need to improve. If you take a look at my profile, you will see that I have been posting almost on a daily basis since the second week of September. So despite the lackluster earnings, what is it that motivates me to write daily?

RE: Consistent earnings are awesome and I enjoy seeing a focus on the motivation which is above earnings!

My main motivation stems from my belief that the value of my post is not determined by its earnings. Do I think that my post deserve higher earnings? Of course I do. However the validation of whether my post is good or not does not come from its earnings. A more accurate measurement of the value or worth of my post is its impact on my readers. I am a motivational blogger and my vision here is to spread positivity at Steemit one post at a time. Therefore if more users are inspired or motivated by my posts, then the more valuable my posts are.

RE: This is how I think also. The more good I do, the more valuable my posts are regardless of the rewards!

Your next question will be “How do I gauge the impact that my post has on its readers? This impact can be gauged to some extend from the comments that readers have for my posts. These comments will reveal the response of the readers towards my posts be it positive or negative. The comments that I received for my posts are also served as a motivation for me to write daily.

RE: Same here. The comments here gave me the courage to give up filming new video classes and switch to doing Steem full time!

The rest of the post shares some of @positivesteem's favorite comments readers have made and provides an awesome look at the power of simply showing up and trying to be helpful here every day!


Lessons From My Autistic Son at is an awesome introduce yourself post by Charles where I got to know him better!

Favorite Quotes

Hello everybody, my name is Charles Siaw and I am from Kuching, Sarawak. #introduceyourself I am not sure how many of you have heard about Kuching, it's located in the island of Borneo. It’s summer all year round here, the only difference is there is a dry and wet season.

RE: I like that Charles shares his real name here along with consistent pictures to be himself because we are naturally programmed to make our deepest connections with other people!

One of the highlights of my life was attending the Anthony Robbins’ programme “Unleash The Power Within” in Singapore.

RE: I loved reading Awaken The Giant Within a few months ago and am amazed how much most of us have in common when we get to know each other!


Hello, I Am Positivesteem, The Motivational Blogger And This Is My Calling Card at has an awesome picture of the Steemit business card Charles made and shares his journey in being a father.

Today is my first anniversary at Steemit and I am taking this opportunity to re-introduce my myself. This may seem a bit odd but I am doing this for two reasons. My first introduction was too brief. Secondly, during my one year at Steemit, I have grown as a person and so I am introducing to some extend a new me.

RE: Deeper introductions especially the longer we are here I think make Steem a better place for us all!

The most important lesson that I have learned is that we have no control over what life throws at us. But we all have a choice on how we choose to respond to the situation that life has put us. We can moan and groan, feel sorry ourselves and complain that life is not fair. Or can we pick ourselves and ask how we can help ourselves and others who are in the same situation. That to me is one of the most powerful lesson that I have learnt. I need to appreciate the silver lining in every cloud and this is my journey to positivity. So for those of you who are facing tough times now, know that you can act to make your life better.

RE: Amen!

When I first joined Steemit one year ago, I choose the username @positivesteem as I had a positive outlook towards life. However I wasn’t too sure what I should write about. I wrote some poems, my experiences with my autistic son and my experiences at Steemit. I looked at what topics are trending and to some extend tried to imitate some of the more popular authors here. Upon reflection, I discovered that I enjoyed writing positive posts, posts that can inspire and motivate others and posts that are able to give hope to others. That defines who I am as a person and thus this has become my identity, branding and much more than that my calling. Therefore I am the motivational blogger and my mission here is to spread positivity one post at a time. I sincerely hope that my posts will able to inspire and motivate others. In that way, I will have achieve to some extend my mission.

RE: Lovely to see such a clear mission statement for why post here?


I Need Your Help. Please Vote for My Nomination For @jerrybanfield Upvotable Contest at is the first post I have seen by an author nominated in reaching out for help with votes on the comments!

here@michellecarter has nominated my post for Jerry Banfield Upvotable Contest, because in her own words "you really deserve a break and a boost for all the good you are doing!" Please cast your vote

RE: Thank you very much for sharing the nomination with your readers and asking for help! I believe this request helped get Michelle's comment voted up to the top!

I love seeing requests for help because we all need to feel safe asking for what we need AND feeling like we can answer honestly without pressure to give only one answer.


God Is Love (An Original Poem) at

God is love
That’s why He gives us
The free choice in choosing
Whether we want to love Him back

God is love
That’s why He desires us to love others
So that we can be a channel of His love
For love is an expression of Him

RE: Have you read A Course In Miracles? I am nearly done with the workbook now!


First Steemit Meetup In Kuching And Other Firsts For Me at shows the transition Charles made from author into being an investor after making his first Steem purchase directly from another user in his local currency which is the Malaysian ringgit.

This week, there were a number of firsts for me. It is also the first time that I bought Steem. Although the amount is small (only 100 steem), this represent a paradigm shift for me. Since I have been spending so much time and effort at Steemit, I might as well invest in Steem, build up my Steem Power and increase my influence. This is also a refection of my trust and believe in the potential of Steemit. I strongly believe that in the long run, the price of Steem will go up and up. So now my role at Steemit has expanded from writer and curator to investor as well. The fact that this is a peer to peer transaction also makes it to my knowledge the first time there is direct transaction without going through exchanges between two Malaysian Steemians. @awesomianist transferred his Steem directly to my Steemit wallet and I just banked in the agreed sum into his bank account. By doing this, we not only save transaction fees but also time as well. I do hope that some one will create a platform where peer to peer transaction can take place without the need to go through exchanges and incurring transaction fees.

RE: So excited to see a direct transfer locally of Steem in Malaysia and the transition Charles made into also buying some Steem to be an investor as well as earning rewards as an author! Charles is very much an investor today as we can see at his wallet now at

If we want the price of Steem higher, authors like Charles making purchases and powering up rewards is exactly what we need! Charles I salute you for being today one of the top 10% of investors in Steem Power with over 1,176 Steem powered up as seen at out of over 380,000 Steem accounts!


Steemit Success: Celebrating My 700 Followers Milestone, My In-Depth Sharing on the Who, Why, How, Where And When Of Followers And A Giveaway of 10SBD For The Most Voted Comments at

Therefore the quality of the followers is much more important than the numbers of followers.


Firstly, I want active followers which means users who are active on Steemit who are more likely to read my post and vote for me. If most of my followers are inactive, then it is unlikely you can get a lot of votes.

Secondly, if possible I prefer followers who are interested and like my content, what I write should resonates with them. In this case, the chances of them voting for, commenting on and resteeming my post will increase exponentially.

Thirdly, it would be most ideal if my followers can become my fans. In this case, the line becomes blurred on whether they vote for me because they like my content or just because they like me. A case in point is a poor quality posts with lots of likes.

RE: this took me SO long to learn in my business online. We do not need to please everyone or even the majority. Do a great for the people that love us and want to read everything we create. Serve those followers every day and realize that more will come with great service to those that exist. More is also not better because more followers makes maintaining relationships with individual followers more challenging.

How do I get followers? This is the million dollar question, how the heck do I get people to follow me. From my own personal experience and from my personal observation of successful bloggers here, the number one method of getting followers is, the more my contribution to the Steemit platform, the more followers I can attract. The more I can help others, the more followers I can get. Steemians can help other users in a variety of ways such as sharing tips with newbies, creating logos, developing apps or tools for Steemit, sharing tips on how to make money from cryptocurrency and the list goes on. An excellent example of contribution is the by @jerrybanfield which is currently trending. Therefore it is critical for you to ask yourself, how can you help other users, how can you enhance their user experience, how you can encourage or motivate others. Only you will know what type of skills set you possess and how you can use it to help other users.

RE: Thank you very much for mentioning me here which I just saw today! As we can see, often building followers is not at all a fast process. Sometimes it might take a follower months to notice something that is awesome. In this case, it took me 3 months to notice the compliment here. What is amazing is the combined weight of all of what we do together when we consistently show up in a place like Steemit where we are rewarded for our service with readers and earnings which snowball over time even if starting from $0 and 0 views. Imagine how all of this will look in a year or give years or ten years!

Who Is Next?

Thank you very much for discovering @positivesteem here with me! Would you help me find the next author to feature in upvotable 39 because working together feels great in discovering authors we love following and inspiring the writers we want most to keep writing for us? I prefer authors matching most of these criteria below!

  • Authentic introduction and ongoing sharing including real first and last name along with ongoing pictures of self, family, friends, and life.
  • Post earnings which appear to be lower than the expected output given the effort, consistency, and quality.
  • New posts daily or a few times a week for at least a month.
  • See upvotable 36 and upvotable 37 for examples.

Here are a few authors I am considering in future upvotables based on previous recommendations!

  1. @rok-sivante recommended by @healthiswealth
  2. @vangelov recommended by @ecoinstant
  3. @steemed-open and @sean-king who I have been following for months and have consistently inspired me to open my mind!
  4. @lexiconical who met with me in person at Florida's first Steemit meetup and is collaborating with me on posts about the witnesses!
  5. @eveuncovered I love her posts and maybe I will do some in the same style :)

Would you please comment below with the author you think I should feature next because I go forward by reading the highest voted comments first and then scrolling below? If you pick the winner, I will give you a $20 SBD tip along with $10 for the top upvoter (assuming it is a person) on the comment!

Jerry Banfield

Shared on

PS: This post today is a part of my service as a full time witness for Steem! Witness votes are the most important votes we make on Steem because one vote for a witness lasts indefinitely! Would you please make a vote for jerrybanfield as a witness or set jerrybanfield as a proxy to handle all witness votes at because when we make our votes, we feel in control of our future together? Thank you to the 1173 accounts voting for me as a witness, the 258M VESTS assigned from users trusting me to make all witness votes by setting me as proxy, and @followbtcnews for making these .gif images!

Vote Jerry Banfield Steem Witness Rank 29


Set JerryBanfield proxy

There are 2 pages

Hello to all! This time I would like to nominate an incredibly selfless author @michellecarter. She is a light worker and healer, working to help people conquer some of their deepest blocks and fears. She is consistantly putting out such positive energy that she brightens my day, daily!

I would also like to mention how quickly she stepped up to help the new @olaat project, where she is now writing additional blogs leveraging the steem network to help solve such a deep systemic problem as is child abduction and missing children.

Will we recognize this pure soul and help her spread her message of light to more minds?

Thanks for the chance to participate with you @jerrybanfield! Love and Light to all!

I agreed with this nomination. @michellecarter is a very positive who likes to help others and is able to appreciate the work that others have done. Her work with @olaat project to try to find missing children is commendable.

Thank you so much! I'm feeling quite overwhelmed by all this praise! :)
I really hope @olaat does much good.

I do hope that you will get to be featured.

Oh bless! Thank you positivesteem, I appreciate your heartfelt support.

You are welcome my friend. Hoping that we can continue to support each other in our journey here.

I'm sure we will! :)

yup great choice.. @michellecarter is also making fantastic videos to explain her work to others.. Her latest project is very worthy too, and one that i can see she is into with great passion!

Thank you Alex, I'm touched by your support and comments. So sweet of you. <3

Thanks again Alex, much love <3Wow thank you @ecoinstant, I'm so surprise to see me nominated! How sweet of you and all your comments are so touching, I'm so pleased to brighten your day that's lovely to hear! :) I'd be happy to see the @olaat project featured, so many missing children and so few being found.

Good choice, @ecoinstant, one of the brightest lights in the underrated angels department!

Thank you likedeeler, that is so kind of you. We do our best to shine Light and make a difference! :)

Success Alex! I am featuring @michellecarter next because of your recommendation and the upvote from @nikez452 especially which helped me see it! Tip! 20

Thank you Jerry for being a part of this great community.

If this goes up higher, I'll do it better.

Edit: Comment OP delivers:

Magic Jerry Mike.jpg

"@eveuncovered I love her posts and maybe I will do some in the same style :)"

I can see that my next Jerry photo-shop is going to be Magic Mike.

Maybe if this comments takes off, I'll add it here!

PS - Source:

Jerry Ready For Work.png

If your mind could compare notes with all the posts I have planned it might blow up Steemit!

Rough draft:

Magic Jerry Mike.jpg

this is somethin right here...awesome

Michael Jackson's "Beat It" came on in my head after seeing this! I wonder if my wife @laurabanfield would watch this?

I cannot endorse the movie, having not seen it, but I do have a few friends that seem to like it in a "B movie" sort of way...

Now, if you were in it, I assume you could rope her into watching it...

@jerrybanfield what the hen, bring it on then man :D

its Like srk Type Of Action

Upvoted because you mentioned me, Jerry and Magic Mike in the same comment, epic.

I better call your attention to this, then. You might have just missed it:

Magic Jerry Mike.jpg

So glad you did, the suspension was killing me!

Agreed! Thank you for commenting here @eveuncovered which reminded me to check your blog again!


It's good to see that you value this kind of messages.I appreciate that you @jerrybanfield are writing about @positivsteem.

I know this wonderful man I read a lot of articles from him.
It's not just the positivity, It's the simplicity of life to show in a simple life that brings people to think about it.

I appreciate his attitude, his heart, and all his work and I'm glad that he responds everytime to my comment.

In our age where technology​ changes things fast, brings new opportunities for so many people, Steemit is one of them. Let's not forget about the small and important things in this world​ what guys like @positivsteem is sharing with this community.

I want to thank also other people here to show similar users.
I will definitely​ go and check them out.​

Also for you @jerrybenfield all the best. You are doing a good Job!

Ray thank you very much for sharing your reaction to the post here in this beautiful comment!

You're welcome friend :)
Thanks for sharing and lifting up another person :)
I really appreciate that.

Wellcome to the community!

@jerrybanfield thank you so much for featuring me. This is indeed a great honor for me. I am happy that you took the time and effort to go through in detail my previous posts. I am also happy that my effort to spread positivity did not go unnoticed. This post and your encouragement will certainly spurred me to send out messages of positivity and inspiration. I have looked up to you for a long time and your dedication and commitment to Steemit is a source of inspiration for us all. I loved the way that you are so positive about Steemit and your strong belief in the potential of Steem. Thank you and God Bless.

You're welcome Charles I am grateful for our chance to share our message here together! Thank you for resteeming the post and continuing to serve with us each day in sharing the message through Steem!

Keep up the good work. I am sure that there are many Steemians here who deserved to be featured by you.

Once Again @jerrybanfield you show that LOVE is what will get us through anything. One Day at a Time Jerry your LOVE shines through here on STEEMIT and in your Community..........God Bless you All.

Thank you @stokjockey I was thinking of you in the meeting the other day because I spend so much time carrying the message here that my opportunities in person are more limited! You helped me understand that this is okay and it is my job to carry the message in my own unique way and not necessarily the same way as I perceive others do!

All I know is that only so much can be accomplished in a 24 hour period. You have shared your routine with us all and I tip my hat to you. Most do not have the Energy to put out Consistent Content on a daily basis. @jerrybanfield you make so many others feel good because you have the Energy and the Drive. If they really want to be successful on STEEMIT then they need not look any further than how you have shared your Success. Love you Brother. STEEM On.......

You have been a great source of inspiration for millions of people, thanks for your genrousity!


Great way to discover new talents here. Ill go check his work :)

I must thank @jerrybanfield for his hard work to discover new writers. I am very honored to be featured and am awaiting your visit.

great discovery Jerry! I really like this new format, and especially how you have taken the time and found the jewels in his posts for us..

many of positivesteem 's posts are really original and about good worthy topics that are not often discussed. Great Job!

@jerrybanfield has certainly put in a lot of effort to go over my posts. I hope that you will find my posts inspiring as I try to spread positivity here.

i am following you now.. i see what effort you put in .. very nice @positivesteem !

Thank you so much. I like to know more about sustainability and so I am following you. I am glad that we make the connection. Hope to interact more with you.

Alex thank you for doing so much to help make these upvotable posts better and helping recommend for the new one!

I love this. There are endless amounts of amazing people in this place. I am about to get my read on with his posts!

Fancy meeting you here! ;)

hehehe, we meet again ;) ;) ;)

I welcome your visit. There are more good writers here waiting to be discovered.

I am so pleased that @positivesteem has been featured here. He has worked so hard over the last year with great posts, that didn't make much money for him and he kept going to spread his message, very admirable! :)

Well done and thanks Jerry for your Upvotable series.

Thank you @michellecarter for nominating me in the first place. I am so happy that you are also being nominated.

You're welcome positivesteem! :)

Nice :)


Hi @jerrybanfield very motivational post for new comers. Follow me @juliawilliams

Hey jerry awesome inspirational post! Been a long while since I made a post. Hope you will take the time to check this one out!

Steem On Everyone!

be happy with your bloger and have nice time my nice friend

I've found some interesting people to follow based off your recommendations and pointing out other good articles. Thanks again.

I am also on the way to understand the criteria, how can my post earn more? Still I am struggling, struggling, and struggling.

Oh don't repeat the negative or the struggle that is so damaging!

Here is what one of your posts said:

"With Love and Patience, nothing is impossible." [Daisaku Ikeda]

So repeat instead - 'With Love and Patience, Everything is Possible!"

It's all about keeping going and finding a way, change and adapt and find what works for you and makes you happy. Enjoy the process and the struggle will just vanish. Wishing you well. :)

Here are some concrete strategies from an old post I wrote. These tips work for me and will for you too if you try them. Don't give up :)

Make Money Blogging on Steemit Top Tips and Checklist for Better Results!!

Thanks @jerrybanfield for mentioning me here <3

Also thanks for taking the time to do so much for the community :)

Thanks @jerrybanfield. I am heading over now to check out @positivesteem posts.

It's True Jerry does motivate others.............

This post throws some light on a few places to visit in my homeland (kashmir)

Although is a minnow but he his post inspired.
Thx.This is nice post..u are promoting Good author..I want to suggest a guy his post inspired .. I will recommend him @davidad

i had a read of a few of @davidad's posts.. i like his positivity and wish him the very best of luck! im not sure he is really suitable to be highlighted here as all of his posts are quite short. THey do have a good message with i think is great, but i think we need a bit more depth and something to grab onto to be featured..

Wow this is very educational, this a great source inspiration for me i have learnt alot from this post

He is currently on a blog series


Hello my good friend @jerrybanfield I want to nominate @stevenmosoes for upvotable. I have been going through his recent blog. He is an expecting father going through a rough patch . Kindly check it out.

Also i am very happy that my friend @postivesteem made it to upvotable .

Keep up the good work Jerry

Am grateful bro. Thank you for taking personal interest on my posts. Steem on!

hi dear, I am the best voter and follower all of you and your posts, so be spread your circle of trust. so please follow me and upvote me

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Welcome to steem

like always .. great article , upvoted ! thank you @jerrybanfield ,

keep in touch , and I'll be honor having you as follower. See you


very educative one there, keepit up and steemit up

Your post always valuable 👍🏻
Re steem

new .@jerrybanfield bro plx upote my post i need help bcz i m

Its very nice....I hope I should get some motivation

@jerrybanfield steemit is blessed for having you

this smells good

Nice all wapside jerrbanfield sir thank you @shahzad haneef myvotes

Wow! Nice

This is good work...keep it up sir, with time u gonna liberate this entire steemit...
This is my first time of comment in your post...

I will choose u..@Jerrybanfield you post inspired..

This is very good one... you are blessing to others. I am privileged to comment on your post for the first time..
I'm hoping soon my post could get to maximum stage for you to farutet me one day...

I got a great Author who is very nice He always got lots comments on his post.. I don't know his post is the type who looking to future.

This is such an amazing man.. thx. The author name is @xpilar

welcome to the party @dabbey ! I had a look at @xpillar .. so the thing is here is that almost all his posts are resteemed.. The few the arn't are all competition posts.. Whilst that can be fun for others to engage with, Im sure that is the kind of thing Jerry want's to feature..

If you didnt know, you can see if someones posts have been re-steemed because it says 're-steemed' just about the post title. What that means is that he didn't write it, but has shared it.. Hope that helps!

Thanks @jerrybanfield. I will follow @positivesteem .

@lawyerr I hope that you will like my posts. Waiting to connect with you.

Great post Jerry! I like how you use your platform to help other growing (and worth mentioning) members. Thanks for bringing the light

awesome post :) i followed you

i done voting you @jerrybanfield your number 1 in my list. pls. read the post of @inquiringtimes maybe you can feature him he has a good articles. God bless.

Lovely post and an interesting man. I'll take a look at this as I like positive. We need positive posts to encourage others. Steemit good!

My mission is to spread positivity one post at a time. I hope that my posts will motivate you.

OK that's always a good thing, we need more positivity in this day and age. Will follow you to see how you're doing. Thank you

Thank good posting.
So I know steem it.

I nominate @theghost1980 because for me as for many is a query author ... is an author every time I have a doubt about steemit or I have to do something I did not ever do i enter in his blog for see if he wrote about that ... he writes in Spanish but he often does the translation in the same post

This post is a game I made ... this is in Spanish ... so you would have to use a translator

and also I propose that the one who is encouraged to do a translation to the English of the rules ... in the game 100% of the SBD collected plus the collected by what explains in the rules it takes the winner ... the one that is anime to the translation I propose to divide the steem power to 50% of those post in English ... I could propose it in steemj but since we are I propose here my intention is for the winner to take a big prize ... for what I propose for the upvotable ... in case of being among the chosen ones what I win will be added to the prize ... but more than to be chosen I would like that @jerrybanfield and his followers participate in the game ...

oooh wow.. thats a tricky one for me.. as i cant read them! It does seem a shame the non english writers seem to be a quite a disadvantage as there aren't yet that many Spanish folk here.. I guess in time more will come and that will be nice for people like @theghost1980

can be read using translator ... I have an idea in English but to read for example to Jerry I put the translator to understand well everything that writes ... you can do that ... and the one that knows both languages ​​well I made the proposal of translation of the rules of the game

This post has been ranked within the top 10 most undervalued posts in the second half of Sep 30. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $100.85 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.

See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Sep 30 - Part II. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.

If you are the author and would prefer not to receive these comments, simply reply "Stop" to this comment.

Great post.go ahead bro.

There are 2 pages