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RE: Upvotable #9: DMT, Falafels, and 250k Steemit Users!

in #upvotable7 years ago (edited)

sadly only 1 cent?? dude why are you sad that you made money!?!? And if you arent making much for your post, maybe you shouldnt spend so much time on them? its not steemits fault its ur fault! u should make better posts maybe or market them betteror just wait till u have more followers etc! sorry for being so rough but i wanna help u stop this bad habitr befoe it develops! i can totally see you complaining again about "notr making enough momey" and its realy bad, whales odnt like it, u should comment about how GRATEFUl tyou are juist for that penny! because noone owes you shit here , like by asking for upvotes ur just begging for change basically and ya if someon has some change they can give it to u but u cant just expect ur post to make money because you spoent a night on it, you should hacve had fun writing it, wtf so why are u sopending a sleepless night on something if the 1 cent u make isnt good enough for u?!??!

didnt yopu realize that youre posts arent going to make much money when youre new?!?!!

i realy dont get it...people come here and they epxect to make money because they see othr people making money>!>! but you didnt put any work in to get followers?!?! so why do u expect to make any money?!?!

so u should just be moe garteful, u sound sio entitled with ur comment!

i see these type sof comments so much sio sorry but u have to be scolded about it !!! socold u with hot guilt water!

lol jk

hey but its al good! Im giving u a 1 cent upvote (like eevryone else gets) so at least youve made over 53 cents off just ur own copmment!

MAYB you should go make more comments! u can make $100 na day off comemnts if ur on steemit all day making bomb comments and leaving lots of GIFs

and yes I realize how much of an asshole i can sem like but look what I say is from the heart and im not holding back and its always constriuctive criticism because i want yopu to not sound entiotled in ur future comments so that you can INSTEAD sound GRATEFUl and i PROMISE you being grateful on steemit, like OVER:Y grateful, will earn u ALOT of positive whale attention and rewards!!!

everytime u wana complain about not making enough on your ppsts, why dont you instead talk about how grateful u are? even if u arent! just lie and say ur grateful! and eventually u WILL SEE how u really SHOULD be grateful! how LUCKY you are to be earning ANY money online!
