Spooky Philippine Story ~ Daang Hari

in #untalented6 years ago

Few years have passed its the birthday of my college friend. We celebrated at Alabang, so we drink a little.

1:30 am when we agreed to go home, due to some of us have still work at 8 am. Since I was drunk and don't have car I texted my brother to fetch me.
One of my friend have car and ask me to ride on his car, but I refuse because they are already six there, for sure the car was fully loaded and I will not be comfortable.
I know that its a bad habit driving when your drunk, but I know that JJ was not that drunk and can manage to drive safely along the way

They wait for my sibling so that we can get out there altogether since we will use the same way. We are in the Daang Hari, when we have to stop (in the stoplight) and the two cars was beside each other. When the stoplight turns gree, JJ's car get ahead of us. We are following them even their car was ahead by a couple of meters only. We can clearly see their car because there were no cars along the way. I was getting to sleep when my brother suddenly brake.

An old man was crossing the street and he walks really slow. Its weird seeing an old man walking and still up that time. My brother stopped until the old man passes, and when the old man was right beside my brother he suddenly look.

Maybe the old man will show his gratitude to us for letting him pass by first. After that my brother start following JJ's car again, I can't see their car anymore maybe they got ahead so much so I sleep again.
I was waken up by my brother calling me, and when I looked at him I saw his right hand holding the rosary on the rear mirror

"Whats the matter?" I asked him

"What time is it?" my brother ask me.

"It's 2:30" I answered him as I looked at my watch

"The f*cked ! ! !" he yelled at me

"Why?" I asked him

"Its still 2:30 !? You've been sleeping very long"

"So what?" I asked him again

"I was driving for a very long time and we must be at the house right this very moment, but look we were still in the Daang Hari" my brother told me

"What ??" I was surprised

"Maybe we are lost" I added

"I always take this route, do you think we will get lost ??" my brother said to me

Then he looked in the rear view mirror

"Holy Sh*t ! ! !" he yelled

I was surprised with the act of my brother so I looked at the back of the car. I expect that there was a car following us, but I was wrong

The old man was at the backseat
I was really shocked and want to shout at that moment. I just close my eyes and pray. I can feel my brother very nervous and still cursing, I can also feel him pressing the brake really hard but the car was not stopping. The car losses its break and I was still not ready to die. Suddenly the engine turned off, so I try to open my eyes.

The old man disappeared in the backseat, however, the car wasn't starting. My brother was really angry and blaming me

"This all happen because of you !" He shouted

He ask me to call for help since we both know that something is not right. I try to call our friends from the other car, but I can't contact them even one of them. Even my mother was unavailable at the moment. All of my contacts was unavailable, and I also notice that the time in my cellular phone was wrong. It was only 11:22 am

We both pray at that moment, and it feels weird knowing that there are no other car except of ours. We don't see car passing us by and we can't really asked for help, finally the car starts as my brother don't give up trying and trying

Like the scene a moment ago we are still driving and we don't reach our destination. It feels like we were driving for about an hour and we are still in the Daang Hari. Until we see the exit of the Daang Hari, I was really happy

Not to long when we arrive home, as expected my mother was really angry to us until we notice the wall clock. It was only 3 am in the morning, we tell to our mother what really happened to us. We were really scared and agreed to sleep together until we were woken up by the police siren

I was really shocked when the police officers told that my friends got an accident and was already dead, we didn't see any accident along the way so I was really confused.
I told them what happened from the start until I last see them, I even told them the creepy story about the old man, but I think the police officers didn't believed us since according to the newspaper JJ and my friends was killed due to drunk driving.
Now, I don't know if the old man saved us from the accident or also aims to kill us and didn't only succeed

P.S Sorry for the long story, its just that I remember them. Thank you . . .

All the images used in the story comes from the internet. However the stories that will be written and posted here are all true to life stories coming from the Philippines. This stories are not stories coming from the author, but instead being send in an email.

The author did not want to take full credits of the stories posted here, Some of the senders wants to stay anonymous.
If you want your story to be featured, feel free to send your own true stories at spookysteemit@gmail.com


The Philippines got loads of stories like that...even kapre.

Yes I think I have a story about Kapre, I'll try to post it on my next story