Spooky Philippine Story ~ Boyfriend

in #untalented6 years ago


You can call me Meggy, I have a boyfriend and lets just call him Lucas. Lucas and I meet each other in a festival here in Laguna. I have a big crush to Lucas for quite a long time because he really is a handsome guy, so when he was introduced to me I didn't hesitate to know him better. It was Lucas all along so why do I need to became a choosy girl right at that time?

It was year 2005 when Lucas was introduced to me, and this start the journey of my forever
Lucas was the kind of guy that gives you the impression of being arrogant and snobbish, maybe its because he is really handsome so I was really shocked when Lucas courted me. Lucas courted me for over a year, so I was sure that he is serious about me, about being with me. I can say that I was not ugly, but I can't also say that I am a beautiful lady. I always say too Lucas that he will feel embarrased when I became his girl

I don't care on the others, I don't care what they say. I will be the one who will became your boyfriend and not them. You are the most beautiful girl for me

Lucas always bringing this up whenever I open that topic.

After 1 year and 5 months of courting we became officially boyfriend and girlfriend, it was June 4, 2007. We are both legal to our family sides, and I was really proud of my boyfriend. This is the time where I finally known Lucas, he is very king and a loving person to his family and friends. In other words, Lucas was handsome inside and out. With the time that we spent together, I can't remember a thing that we argue about. I think it was because Lucas tends to fix the things up and lowers his pride.

He didn't miss to surprise me every birthday, new year, Christmas, monthsary and anniversary. Even when Lucas is broke, he always make a way to buy me stuffs mind that I didn't ask him to buy me.

It was our 5th anniversary, I texted him to come on our house because my father wants to talk to him. My father was an Overseas Filipino Worker and just come home to meet Lucas.

This day was really precious to me as the two guy in my life will be going to talk seriously. I really prepared for this day by cooking all their favorite foods with the help of my mother. Lucas said that he will be in the house by 6 pm in the evening, it was only 30 mins away from our house to his house so it will not be taking very long.

I waited for Lucas in the terrace, but it was already 6:30 pm and there is no sign of Lucas. I just think that maybe he was stucked in traffic and didn't use his motorcycle because of the excitement.

It was already 7 pm in the evening but Lucas was not yet approaching, we are all worried in the house

Try texting him Meggy, maybe he run in some errand

my father is trying to encourage me

I have known Lucas, and he always make all the word he says, so I decided to text him

Lucas where are you? Please text me we are all worried here.

but no message from Lucas arrived at my phone, I also try to call him but he isn't answering any of it.

Ma, can you call Mama Irene? It's already 9 pm and Lucas isn't arriving

I ask my mother to call Lucas' mother. I was really worried because he is 3 hours late.

Lucas already left, his family will soon be arriving here because they thought he was here

My mother said after the call to Mama Irene

After that my tears began to fall, I also call his friends and classmates hoping that he was there but the answer I got from them was the same. They didn't see Lucas that day. When Mama Irene got in our house they have decided to find Lucas, while my mother still tries to encourage me.

They find Lucas until morning but still no trace was found, when it got 24 hours we ask some help to the authorities.

I was still thinking where Lucas would go, and I always got my cellphone hoping that Lucas will text or call me

When suddenly . . .

Lucas texted me

Meg I thought your father was in yur house? also where are you? theres no one in the house. I can't also go home, I can't find my way back.

I screamed in happiness and excitement as I read his message, but my mother said that there was no text message from Lucas.
We argued about it and my mother said that it was only because I was very worried and thinking Lucas.

Months have passed but Lucas never came back, almost all was discouraged. I almost lived in Lucas house just to have the most updated news about him.
Until a year passed and yet Lucas was not coming back, his parents also stopped finding him saying that he was already dead.

I didn't beieve that Lucas was dead, I will never believe unless I can see his dead body with my very own two eyes. We shall be celabrating our 6th aniversay but Lucas was not coming back.
Their kitchen has a window infront of a mango tree, Lucas was very proud to that tree as he claims that he is the one that planted it.
I was washing the dishes, when I see a man peeking behind the tree.
I was really happy seeing Lucas there and I want it to scream, it was not worth it giving up on finding him, on finding Lucas

Mama Irene!, its Lucas! His outside

I shouted as I ran outside the house. Lucas was only starring at me, he was not responsing so I just hugged him

Your very cold, where do you go ?

I ask him

I was from a very cold place

He answered back with a blank expression

Don't you dare say that you already got a new girl

I joked at him as I ask him to go inside the house, but he refused

Why? are you scared that they might get angry with you? They are very worried about you.

I encouraged him.

Mama Irene was shouting at me, asking what I am doing so I said that Lucas hide by the time she go outside. Mama Irene got angry with me

Lucas will never come back

Mama Irene shouted at me

With that we got an argument, I was implying that Lucas was being scared because Mama irene was shouting

At that night, my mother pick me up at Lucas' house, they are saying that it will be better if I will be in our house. I cry and cry as they pick me up because I believe that Lucas' will come back. Mama Irene also said that maybe I need an medical attention because I might be in a state of trauma. When my father heard about it, he gets really angry saying that I was not a crazy woman.

We go to Cavite, together with my father's cousin. My father's cousin was an albularyo that can talk to dark spirits, and creatures normal humans can't see
They said that their was a spirit with me and want to talk to me. many rituals was made to me so that the said spirit will enter my dreams. My mother said that maybe it was the spirit of Lucas.
But I stick that it was not Lucas as I have seen him the other day.

Because our house in Laguna was far, we decided to stay at my uncle's house. After we arrive I feel that my energy was zapped, and I can't even stand up.
Because of this, I got sleep really early. It was 2 am in the morning when I suddenly wake up, the very first person that i see was Lucas. He signals me to not make any noise

Meg I have something to show to you

I didn't hesitate to go with him, I was really happy that I see and feel his hand again.

Lucas don't leave me again, OK? I might go crazy if you do it again.

He was not responding and he only keeps on walking so I just follow him while telling stories while he where gone.
We stopped in a place near our house, it was full of banana trees. I didn't know how we got there because as far as I remember we were in Cavite.


What are we doing here? do you know that there are many bad persons here? There are no houses in this place

I was really scared to pass this place whenever I go home. There was no house in the said place and it was said to be very creepy as many spirits tend to show here, besides you will not be able to scream when you was target by bad robbers and bad people.
He continues to walk and I refuse and said that I want to go back, but I can't control my body from following him
We stopped infront of a lying banana tree, there was also dry banana leaves on the tree

Remove it

Lucas ask me, I want to refuse but still my body moves on its own. As I approach the tree I smell a really bad odor, and when I remove the leaves I saw a decaying feet.
I can't understand what is happening, I want to scream, I want to run

Hold me Meg

Lucas pointed the body underneath the other leaves, I shouted at him saying that he was not that body. We were together so it was impossible.
I can't still control my body and hold the body

Meggy give me justice

Images flashes on my mind, it was like I was also in the scene. I can see Lucas driving, also there was four guys that put something on the road making Lucas crash
Blood was all over Lucas' body, it seems like Lucas' feet was also broken. I want to go to Lucas, I want to hug him but I can't make myself move. I was crying until the four guys approach Lucas.
They was talking but i can't hear what they are saying, the one guy was familiar to me. He was a tricycle driver and a friend of Lucas.
I saw them attacking Lucas and get all the valuable things that they can get. I can see Lucas getting really hurt and I want to scream and cuss the four guys. They carry Lucas until to that place where Lucas bring me.
I can still see the four guys still attacking Lucas, beating Lucas with a wood. I was screaming for them to kill Lucas, I can't bear seeing Lucas in that state.
Until the tricycle driver approach Lucas and stabbed him in the neck.

I woke up crying, I also see my mother crying beside me. According to my mother I was screaming and calling for Lucas. I invited my mother to go home that night, saying that I now know where Lucas is.
Mama Irene was really crying as I tell what happened to Lucas. They call authorities and started to dig to the place where Lucas brought me.
Lucas' body was there, I can recognize his shirt, it was my mother's gift to him on his birthday.
Also the murderers was been caught.

Many stories about my beloved boyfriend still awaits. I will tell you this stories other time

For Lucas, I will never forget you

All the images used in the story comes from the internet. However the stories that will be written and posted here are all true to life stories coming from the Philippines. This stories are not stories coming from the author, but instead being send in an email.

The author did not want to take full credits of the stories posted here, Some of the senders wants to stay anonymous.
If you want your story to be featured, feel free to send your own true stories at spookysteemit@gmail.com