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RE: Life is truly strange

in #untalented7 years ago

I know how painfull your situation is, i have been in that kind of life, when i was in my aunt I live. They treat me like a maid and i have no choice and i just have to follow her, because im far from my family. I cried many times in secret enable to less the pain i have. When my father visited me, im so happy at that, i wanted to go with my father if he'll go home. I wanted to be free in that miserable place. I was 7 years old at that time. Thats why i feel your pain. God bless.


Hello ate. It was very unfortunate that you have to go through that. But what thing is for sure since we have known hardship at a very young we will be a lot stronger when we are older. I know that there are more challenges ahead and our experience will help us deal with this challenges.

Yes. Exactly, our past hardship will make us more stronger, and eager to motivate ourself to deal with it, without giving up.