(I know this isn't gaming, just shut up, i will get to gaming)
So, if you read my introduction post, you would know that i'm "unschooled". If you don't know what that is, it's not going to school, but still getting educated. Now, you might be like "HoW dO yOu NoT gO tO sChOoL?!?". Well, you just go to a online school instead. Here is a reason WHY online schools are good: At schools, you learn 1 thing per hour. In online schools, you learn 1 thing per lesson. However, online school lessons only take a few minutes. At schools, completing 1 grade would take 365 days(Including vacations). In online schools, completing a grade would take a few days(And if you spend all day on it, you could complete it in a day). Still think it's a bad idea? Here is some more:
- You don't have to leave. You can just do it home.
- You can't get bullied by a bully, or get annoyed from a nerd.
- You can't get detention.
- You don't have to wake up at 6:00 am.
- You don't have to stay until 6:00 pm.
Now if you STILL, don't think its a good idea, i have 1 more reason: - If you are in school, try 1 of these websites in your spare time. You will probably prefer it over actual school.
- If you don't go to school anymore, try 1 of these websites and compare it to your experience in real school. You will probably think it's better then actual school.
Now i think i have made you all think this is a good idea(and if you STILL don't think that, idk what will make you think it's good). So now there is only 1 thing left, and it's "What online school do you recommend?". The online school i recommend you try is
This isn't sponsored or anything like that, but i just recommend you look at their website.
Well, that's it. Soooooooooo...yeah. Bye guys. Khan academy:https://www.khanacademy.org/
That sounds awesome. Too many people equate education to going to school. Most schools are setup to be brainwashing centres. Unschooling seems like a great way of getting away from that.
Well, yeah. I never have gone to a real school, but my sister has(She is being unschooled now), and she prefers unschooling, so i probably wouldn't like it.
Good for you jumping on Steemit. I'm an unschooling mama. Been trying to get my kids on here for months.
So much wasted time in public education - it's dismal!
I've often wished I could send the government a bill for all the hours of my life they squandered.