I'm not gonna have the time to create a pretty drop-down post here. I won't be able to parse out my thoughts entirely. But, I am going to post, in short, regardless.
I'm researching something, I don't quite have the words for yet - exactly.
It has something to do with my growing awareness of the emergence of
Unresponsive Communication
Non-responsive Communication
or what I call
I'm not talking about "Ghosting." I'm talking about, plainly - just not being responded to in text form, or on social media chat platforms.
There doesn't seem to be much content available on the internet, research in professional fields, or coverage by academic journals. I even asked ChatGPT (chat.openai) and I feel I just got a vague response.
I'm looking for discussion or insight on this topic. So please comment with feedback, personal input, or links.
I should mention that I became interested in this initially because of the lack of response (to me) that I have witnessed in the last few years growing more and more common. Of course, having looked into it, but finding nothing - my curiosity and intrigue piqued.
I'll additional thoughts on the commentary that follows.
Thanks Hive, ahead of time.