Unreal imagination and regretting are both the waste of time.

Unreal imagination and regretting are both the waste of time.

A hunter caught a little bird. The bird was very intelligent. The bird started praising the hunter that you are a big hunter! You have killed many tigers in life, got a lot of bears, this is that. I'm a little bird, I do not even 100 grams of weight, would you love to eat me? If you play, I will not even fill your belly. Leave me rather than that. I will tell you three valuable words that will be useful for your lifetime. In such a way, he was talking that the hunter's heart softened. Because everyone loves to get praised. The easiest way to melt another is to appreciate. He thought, OK. There is no profit by eating such a small bird. Listen to him, what the bird wants to say. Maybe it would be more profitable in me. The bird said to the hunter, the bird said, I will say the first sentence sitting on your hand, I will say the second sentence, sitting on the tree, sitting in the tree Magdal the third sentence will say. The hunter said, okay. The bird said, 'Do not ever imagine the imagination, do not believe that which is not real'. The hunter said, very well. Really so Never believe in unrealistic words. The bird said, now let me go to the tree branches. I will say the second sentence. Leave the hunter The bird said to the tree tree, 'Do not ever regret that which has gone away.' The hunter said, this is also right. I'm sorry to say no, I'm sorry to say that I'm not. The bird is now in Magdalaya. The hunter said, now say the third advice. The bird said, before I say the third, let me see if you learned something from the two previous advice. The bird said, I have a pearl weighing 200 grams in my stomach. The hunter was very sorry to hear. Oh oh! What i did in I missed the opportunity to get rich! Because of the failed attempt to catch the bird, it started jumping towards the top. But the bird is in Magdal then in Magdal She smiles. Said, look, I said earlier, never believe in unrealistic words. My weight is 100 grams. How can I have 200 grams of pearls? I said, do not ever regret that which was lost. But you're doing it. It is meaningless to give you any advice. Because like most people you have heard the advice. But I did not learn anything from it.