Unity Pattern - An easy but powerful collection of generative design tools
Get uPattern Now!
Link: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/54000
or Test it for free!
Ever whished Unity whould have those nice array, scatter and spacing tools from 3ds max, Blender or Maya?
Free Testversion Link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/modeling/upattern-tools-free-63139
Unity Pattern doess not even let you get access to those powerful generative design tools it even lets you voxelize your assets or scatters your whole asset database into your scene.
Works with Unity 5 and newer:
- generate simple mazes or complex objects.
- scatter tools.
- snapshot tools.
- spacing tools.
- deterministic scattering.
- pivot point settings.
- arrange your assets in 2D or 3D Arrays.
- mix multiple assets in one volume.
- use any meshvolume to arrange your assets.
- curve modifiers
- pearlin noise
- random, additive and progressive functions
- set raycast precision.
- asset on mesh projection.
- random scale, position, rotation and offset.
- fill any volume with assets until unity explodes. :)
Cheers and thank you for supporting this tool!
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