[United We Light] Want to know a secret? You Are FREE!

There is a great deal going on behind the scenes. Hear it now from one of Steemit's own Peaceful Warriors.


BUT if you are like me and connect dots you will feel it coming. This world and the life she holds has been held hostage by a few PTSNHB (powers that should never have been) and this is about to change.


Far too long the suffering of the many has gone either unnoticed and/or avoided due to cognitive dissonance because it was easier to simply look the other way. The plight and misery of those suffering may have simply been too much for some to acknowledge or address.I don't believe it possible to get all the #GoodNews in one blog post

Human trafficking is one of the most barbaric of practices and includes ritual and sexual abuse. There has been little accountability for these human rights abusers and that is changing NOW.

The Rat Lines are being exposed, arrests are being made. The first to go has been some of the leaders at the top of the chain thus far. Rest assured more arrests are coming soon. These rat lines run throughout most countries even through our own local community agencies so there is much work yet to be done to hold them accountable. It WILL be done.Great things are happening and they are not being shared via mainstream news. One of the main reasons for this of course is that the U.S. President Trump and his team are carrying the torch to not only expose this vile ring but they are taking action and doing something about it. So do yourself and the world a favor by listening to this update brought to us by our own @dakini5d whose light continues to shine on the solutions and the actions being taken.

It will be done by #WeThePeople with the #GreatAwakening as we are witnessing the exposure of local agencies and judicial systems that play a big part in this corrupt and inhumane system that has been destroying lives and families for far too long.

I encourage everyone to

VISIT @familyprotection

The primary goal @familyprotection is helping protect families that are currently effected and in danger of these human rights violations. Read the first hand experience from those stepping forward to tell their personal stories of what they have lived through and are living through.

Sometimes the ills of the world appear to be too big to handle, but together we are unstoppable and we will change the world.


You are invited to join with us in making the change by donating one minute of your time each day, putting your heart, mind and spirit toward the greater good. One Minute at 6pm YOUR time zone is all we ask to direct our energy, frequencies, love and intention toward making the world a better place. Begin to see the world as it should be, can be and WILL be.


Steem On . . . and . . . Let Peace BE the Journey!



One day the piece will touch the country and everything would be fine again.
It's my first day on steemit please checkout my introduction.
My Introduction - Travelling Queen narisatravel Please support my first day on steemit

Welcome to Steemit. I know you will enjoy the community and look forward to reading of your adventures.

Thanks for your kind response, Yupp i am trying to enjoy here. Best thing i noticed it knowledge .. I am getting more knowledge here :)

There are some fantastic investigative reporters here on the Steemit platform and I am so grateful for them each and every day!

This is very interesting never heard of this before. The part about everyone meditating at the same time. Thank you for creating awarensss

Thank you @jgblack94 for your comment. One day soon those ripples will turn into waves ;) And always let peace BE the journey!

Thank you for your kind words and looking forward to future posts

Best of luck!
I don't know how helpful this might be. But you are welcome to check my post I made on meditation. Hopefully it'll help at least indirectly.

Thank you @vimukthi for the post link here so others have the opportunity to visit and learn. Yes, it could be very helpful for others. I left a comment but no vote as I see it is over 7 days and am doing my best to build up my voting power (yet again) Many blessings to you and let peace be the journey!

One minute of prayers every day at 6 is a great idea. That is easily done by everyone around the world and prayer does change things. Human trafficking is a big problem. I regularly see posts on friends' facebook pages in different parts of Texas and it's craziness. Thank you for shedding some light on this subject. I pray that it ends soon and people are brought to justice.

Positive thought is our most powerful resource for sure! Thank you for your comment.