The United States will recognize Israel's Syrian Golan

in #united6 years ago


The United States will recognize the Golan Plateau, which has been occupied by Syria, as Israel's territory. And the Israeli government is pressing the United States to accelerate this announcementIn an interview with Reuters, the country's intelligence minister Israel cutz said The Golan Plateau of Syria, which is occupied by the occupied Palestinian territories, also has Israel
Katz confirmed that Washington may be officially recognized in this regard within the next few months, Katz said. The 51-year-old Golan acknowledged the issue as a major issue in the US-Israel bilateral talks. News Reuters, Jerusalem Post.
This move will mark the acceptance of the Donald Trump as the Israeli capital of Jerusalem and will be seen as a continuation of the US Embassy movements this month. The size of the Golan Plateau, between Israel and Syria, is about 460 square miles

During the Middle East War of 1967, Israeli troops occupied this strategically important Syrian part. It is also called a six-day war. After the occupied area, 20 thousand Israeli settlements were established. In 1981, the increase of the volume of the occupied portion of Tel Aviv was not recognized internationally.
Israel wanted to restore Golan to Damascus as part of peace with Syria. But in recent years, Jerusalem is interested to keep control of the plateau itself with its influence on Iran's influence and military power. Katz said that the trump administration is considering Israel's proposal for Golan as a strategy to counter Iran's growing dominance in the Middle East
He said that in the meeting with the trump in the White House in February of 2017, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the first issue. Since then it is being discussed at various levels of the US administration and the Congress, Katz said. He said, "The decision has been made in my judgment, there is also the possibility of announcing soonAsked whether this decision will be taken by the United States this year, Katz answered, "Yes. Hold on for a few months. '
Jordan's border with the plateau is there. Damascus failed to put a counter attack there in 1973 to free Golan from Tel Aviv's occupation. The following year a ceasefire was signed between the two countries
Since then there is a relatively quiet situation with Golan. In 1917, Britain declared Israel as a Jewish state in part of the Palestinian territories. Since then Israel has been expanding their homesteads in the region through illegal occupation.