Blood tests will tell whether the child will be immature

in #united6 years ago

Blood tests will tell whether the child will be immature
About one and a half million births in the world are born prematurely (premiere). It is not possible to prepare early in advance because these babies are born before the scheduled time. As a result, sometimes the fear of mother and child is created. In this case, hope is a new type of blood test method. It will be possible to know the baby's birth information using this method of low cost. Even pregnant women at risk, how long before the scheduled time, the baby will be born.

A group of scientists from the Stanford University of Stanford University in California and Copenhagen's Statenes Serum Institute jointly invented the method. This study led by Stanford University professor Stephen Kueck, professor of biological engineering and applied physics. Science has published an article related to science journal Science.

According to the study, it is possible to ensure accuracy of 80 percent of premature delivery information through this test. Through this, the activities of mother and embryo gene can be measured, cell-free RNA. Experts expect this blood test method to reduce the stroke and maternal mortality rates and reduce the complications of the childbirth.

Madison Melby, the guest professor at the University of Stanford University and Chief Executive Officer of the Centenary Serum Institute, said that through this test, analyzing the data of the gene can be possible that any pregnant woman is going to give birth to an infant. She said that she worked for a long time to understand the issue of unborn delivery.