When ever we are confronted by individuals of authority, their first question is this: Who are you? They want a name and a birth date. What do we give them? Well, that all depends. Who are you?
The Who recorded the song 'Who are you?' in 1977 and the question is very important to explore and answer. If you are not familiar with the song, give it a listen.
Over the last 16 years of my life, the question of who I AM has been the most challenging to explore. I have yet to answer it completely but I do know what I am NOT.
When I started this journey, I thought I was a person. But as I explore this word further, I've come to realize that it fails catastrophically to describe who I am. I AM not a mask, persona or even some corporate fiction. I have a physical body, but I also have feelings, a mind and spirit which somehow is not included in the definition of that word. So rather than being a person, I can say that I have a person, but I AM not a person. The physical body is known as a 'natural person' but there is also the fictional corporate body known as an 'artificial person'. But it still does not describe who I am. Please read chapter six of my book for more details of what these words mean.
So am I human? We have been told since we were children that we are all human beings. But the word still only describes the flesh suit and the nature of that suit and how it is "belonging to man" as if it is a possession of ours rather than defining who we are. Once we explore this word further, we will find that there is still no spirit involved in the description of human.
Even Yoda knew the difference when he uttered these words in the movie Star Wars V:
Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. - Yoda, Star Wars V
Yoda is giving us a hint at our true nature and it is not the meat suit that we often identify as being who we truly are. So what did he mean by 'luminous beings'? Is he talking about spirit being the true essence of who we are?
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. - Genesis 2:7
Our bodies came from the earth, our spirit is the breath of God, together forming a living soul called Man. But even the word 'Man' is often associated with the physical while ignoring the spiritual. When the body dies, it is returned to the dust of the earth and our spirit moves on. It is this luminous being that Yoda is hinting is our true nature. The crude matter that makes up our bodies is temporary dressing for who we are; Spirit! So why is this so important?
The Church claims jurisdiction over all 'human creatures' by making them subject to the Pope!
Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff. - Pope Boniface VIII - November 18, 1302
So if we are not able or willing to recognize our true nature, the Pope and his feudal serfs (Kings & Queens of Europe and most other countries of the world) will engage in force and coercion to ensure their feudal serfs are obedient. Yes, it actually said 'human creature' and that should set off all sorts of bells in our hearts! We are not meat suits, human creatures, persons or humans, but rather spiritual, luminous beings. So when confronted by those who wear the masks of authority, we are confronted with a choice.
Submit to their authority and be obedient to our earthly masters or reject their authority and be obedient to our spiritual master. If we choose to be obedient to the earthly masters, then it is our duty to provide them with the information they are looking for, the name and birth date of our meat suit. The information is found on the birth certificate as that instrument is what they depend on the most.
For me, I chose NOT to submit to their authority and I refuse to provide them with the name of the person or the birth date of that person as I AM not a person or human. I absolutely refuse to use the word person or human to describe anybody else. That is why I use the word Spiritual being or individual when talking about others. To me it is an insult and blatant ignorance to use the word person or human to describe who we are. But if we use those words, we are admitting to the earthly authorities who we are, whether we are consciously aware of the consequences of that choice or not.
This is the word magic that these pirates use on a daily basis. They use print, radio, TV, movies and other media to ingrain into our culture and psyche the idea that we are something that we are not! It requires a conscious mind to fight back on this programming and to stand on the truth of who we are.
We are luminous, spiritual, powerful beings of immense power and authority. Perhaps that is what scares people most. Not that we are slaves but that we are in fact powerful beings and that power terrifies most people.
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. - Marianne Williamson
If I was ever asked the question, I would not give anybody of authority any information other than "I AM a spiritual being. I AM that I AM". I may have to spend a few days in jail so that they can try to test me on my resolve. I know of some individuals who have been tested and the courts had to let them go after about 5 days, all charges dropped. I know this is very counter intuitive as most people study court rulings to find technical loop holes for freedom. You will never find a case to support what I share because they make sure that there is no precedent setting cases to prove this point. They don't want people to know how simple the solution really is. It does not require a lawyer, law degree or tens of thousands of hours of legal studies to figure this out.
I've always believed the solution to be simple and indeed it is. But the solution also requires that we step up and embrace the true essence of who we are and confront our own fears and insecurities. That takes a tremendous amount of courage, strength, commitment and faith. The amount of training, work and commitment to stand in our power and authority is intense. But we all have the capacity to do the work. All that is required is for us to reach out, grab it and hold on tight. Freedom is something that we must grasp and take, rather than it be a gift to us. Our training is proceeding slowly but it is proceeding. As more and more individuals grasp the idea of spiritual beings learning about self-governance, it will transform this world and our lives.
You are a unique individual, @wwf. I like your post because they are thought provoking and informative. I agree with you. We must all fight for our freedoms. They are not given to us on a silver platter. I am a spiritual being, there for I am.
Thank you for enlightening me in my further studies.
legal name fraud
Thanks for dropping by.
Spirituality matters anyway nice analysis

I AM all that IS. Am I being detained ? Or am I free to go ?
Exactly! Well said! If they detain me than I shut up and don't say a word. I refuse to sign anything and refuse to cooperate to their orders or instructions.
"I'm me. Who else would I be? Who are you?"
is my favorite answer to use.
Beautiful... Many people these days seem to focus on exactly these issues. Maybe we always knew, but we never realized. In this age we relearn it again to never ever forget. Let's move forward and evolve!
It might be scary, but probably definately worth it to stand up and not give in to their questions. I wonder if I would have the guts to do that in jail or in court honestly.
Courage is tough to find. Self confidence is a key component. Over time, it will come!
I don't doubt it :P
Thats what I used to ask myself all these years.
A very informative post, enjoyed reading it. Thank you for sharing :)
I am the one who want to.became famous in future