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RE: Love without lust, a Man's Greatest Challenge and Triumph

in #ungrip6 years ago

I agree, this does swing both ways. However, I'm not a woman so I don't feel qualified to talk about the struggles that women go through. However, if a woman were to write a similar post about her struggles, I'm sure she would receive a similar level of support and encouragement that I did with mine. <3 I think your views are bang on. Thank you for sharing this with me and those who take the time to read and explore these ideas. Peace and love to you my spiritual sister.


I think you are right about the support and encouragement but I also think women would get the 'slut' shaming part too. Society is so messed up. Just so messed up. Having more people like you, your wife, Tammy, and so on are what we need to help this world turn into a positive way. I keep finding people are more closed minded than they are open minded and not willing to learn or even try to understand what is and what isn't. It is a hard world.

I've never personally had somebody call me names, but then again, men are treated differently than women. In safe containers like what we create in groups, that does not happen, but there is a risk of it happening in public. If it ever did, I would be the first to stand and confront those who would try to shame or guilt others as that form of violence is not tolerated at all. It would be a learning curve but the more that people start to open up and find the support to confront those who lash out with violence, then the sooner we can get the healing process going and really change this world for the better. It is indeed hard work!

This is what makes you such an awesome being! Thank you for who you are and what you stand for <3