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RE: In the interests of full disclosure ...

in #ungrip7 years ago

You reminded me that we have a book called 'Messages from the body'. So I looked up memory issues. Here is what it said:

They are undergoing a major transformation and healing that involves the re-programming of the 'bio-computer' - all the way back to the beginning. It produces a 'pardon my dust' thorough-going shake-up of the entire operational system as everything is re-arranged and changed. It is like God came along and gave a great big 'whap' to the underside of your 3-dimensional chess game called your ego and your life. All the pieces are up in the air in disarray -- including both your long term, your short term and even your procedural memory. Relax. You're falling together, not falling apart. You're going sane, not going insane.

Thank you. That was VERY helpful! I appreciate your courage to speak your peace.