Our silence in the face of violence means we consent. Spiritual Warriors shall never remain silent!

in #ungrip6 years ago (edited)
In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. - Martin Luther King Jr.
 Nothing strengthens authority so much as silence. - Leonardo da Vinci
We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. - Elie Wiesel

While it appears the majority consents to the violence and coercion of life, I refuse to remain silent or participate in such vulgar and abusive behaviour.  I shall confront those that engage in the abuse directly AND all those who stand by and say nothing.  

I just sent a letter to the Mayor of the City of Windsor Ontario as some dear spiritual brothers and sisters were being bullied, intimidated, threatened and abused by government powers. Why is it that all governments fail to resolve matters peacefully FIRST before they then engage in violence?  Did you know that the Queen swore an oath to use mercy in all her judgements?  That requires compassion and forgiveness, which we do not see in any interaction with the state.  

Instead they are at war, which violates the very oath that the Queen swore on her coronation in 1952.  Every government officer has a duty to be peaceful and merciful with compassion and forgiveness.  They have a duty to engage in peace first, but they rather engage in violence first as it is quicker.  

To stand in contrast to this violence requires courage, knowledge and faith.  Courage to stand against those who chose violence over peace, knowledge of both and the faith that peace can and will overcome violence.  I don't care what form the rebuke takes, stand up and rebuke!  All I care about is that we are peaceful doing it.  

Time to stand on our soap box and be a witness to what is unfolding around us.  We cannot be a witness until we testify!  Speak up and testify!  Spiritual Warriors are spiritual beings who will testify despite all the violence, threats and / or intimidation thrown their way.  

Those who engage in violence are cowards.  That is why they use violence instead of peace.  Violence is used by those who don't have anything to stand on.  They need the violence to force their own will and ego, rather than standing in the power and authority of their own spirit.  They sold their soul in exchange for the proceeds of violence.  When confronted about their actions, their shame tarnishes their actions and they will have to stand to account for their decisions.  

The troubling thought is that most people fail to see their own violent actions.  Because they don't see most of the violence, they fail to stand as a witness as well.  Even I am still learning just how deep the violence goes.  This is a deep and complex subject that requires a life time of study.  Most people are so busy with life that they don't even scratch the surface of that subject matter.  

Time to get to work so that we can Graduate Life with Honours my dear spiritual brothers and sisters.  If we fail to do the work, we may find ourselves doing this again, except the lessons would be even more harsh.  A Spiritual Warrior acknowledges their duty to confront.  

May we learn how to be peaceful.

The red sun as a result of the smoke from forest fires August 10, 2018
