My relationship with Cancer

in #ungrip6 years ago (edited)

My dad passed away in February 2014 after a painful battle with cancer.  I approached him early on in his battle with alternative methods of healing his vessel, but 38+ years as a nursing orderly in the local hospital enslaved his mind and heart to only go the allopathic route, using chemo and radiation therapies.  I watched a man of 6'3" wither away to skin and bone.  I was there when he took his last breath and his spirit departed for the Spiritual Realm, leaving his decrepit body to us for burial.  

Dad and I, December 2013 (2 months before he passed)

I swore that I would never allow the system to treat my body.  They kill people and there is a lot of testimony and evidence out there to support that allegation.  My experience with more natural healing modalities continues to grow and if we are proactive with our health, then we won't need extreme treatment protocols like what killed my dad.

In 2017 I new something was wrong.  My energy was deteriorating and my memory felt like Swiss cheese.  I opened up a steem account and started writing in the hopes that I could do a brain dump before I lost all my knowledge, wisdom and experience.  By late summer or early fall, I was sleeping 12-16 hours a day, weak and barely able to hold conversations as the words often failed me.  For an author, writer and one dedicated to communication protocols, loosing the words to express myself was a terrifying and frustrating experience.  

That is when Carey and I decided that something had to be done.  We started our own work and determined that the probability of cancer was very high.  That is when I realized that the lump on the back of my neck and shoulders was most likely a tumor.  I've been watching it grow for two years, but never associated it with cancer.  It was a confirmation for me and my wife.  

First step:  Govern my feelings

I knew that if I was going to heal from this, that I had to shed my fear of it.  Cancer can have a tremendous amount of negative energy around it due to the fear associated with the disease in the allopathic medical system.  People die all the time in their system because the doctors kill half of them with their "cure".  For some reason, I felt no fear.  I know deep down that I could heal my vessel, so I worked hard to feel upbeat, completely engage in my healing and have faith in my body to let these last remnants go.  I believe that the body holds onto our 'shit' to help us and part of this journey was to let all that 'shit' go and give thanks to my body for its help.  

That is when I started to feel an unconditional love for my vessel.  It happened when I was walking in the bush this fall, snow on the ground.  I felt connected to Mother Earth and that is when an overwhelming flow of love came over me.  I love my body, even though it is currently sick.  My body got me through the toughest shit I could ever imagine and now it was time for spirit to heal it.  How?  By loving it with all my heart, soul and mind.

When ever I feel pain, I acknowledge the pain.  I hear the pain and I look up what it means so that I can heal the emotional or mental source of that pain.  Then the pain goes away.  Even when my body is sick, it is still communicating with me and it is up to me to hear the message, heal it, forgive it and love it.  

I got this! However, friends did not.

I was approached but a number of my best friends working hard to convince me to go see a doctor.  Even if it was just to get a diagnosis.  My best friend even suggested that I had a duty to do everything I could, including chemo and radiation to heal.  I felt like my friends did not know me at all.  I acknowledged their concerns, told them that I would not be seeing a doctor and that I would be continuing the protocols that Spirit was guiding me to take.  They honoured my decision even though I did not heed their warnings.  

The most important lesson I learned through all this is that I AM the DOCTOR!!!  I am THE authority when it comes to my body.  Other people can provide their opinions and input, but the final decision always rests with me.  PERIOD!!!  That level of personal responsibility is required if we are going to heal and not surrender our selves to some other authority!  My power is mine to govern.  

Second Step:  Provide the nutrients my body needs to heal

This is where my dear friend Tim Marshall comes in.  He has been practicing nutrition for over 25 years and runs a business to help people with their nutritional needs.  He worked very closely with my wife who has been practicing homeopathy and other healing modalities for nearly 15 years.  I knew that I would need help, so I reached out to people who respected and honoured my views and approach to life.  Tim recommended a massive protocol to fill my body with nutrients it needed to heal and function properly.  His argument was very simple for me to follow.  

For thousands of years, people gathered and hunted for their food.  When we hunted animals, we ate the WHOLE animal, not just the muscles.  As a result, the animals heart healed and strengthen our hearts.  Same goes with the liver, kidneys, stomach, testicles, adrenal glands, etc.  Just as in homeopathy where like heals like, eating the glands and organs of the animal heals and strengthens my own glands and organs.  So I started taking everything I could to rebuild my body.  Truth is, the crap in grocery stores is not food any more.  Despite our own efforts to grow our own food, we have yet to return to methods used a few hundred years ago in regards to our diet.  You know that shit we buy in the store?  The box has more nutrients than the contents.  

With Tim's help, we started pumping my body with real nutrients it needs to rebuild, gain strength and heal itself.  The healing capacity of the human body is astounding, but we need to provide it with the resources to do that work.  Tim nailed it and I am grateful for his help.  I would recommend anyone approach him if you struggle with any kinds of ailments as he heals with food and that is powerful, REAL medicine!!!  

Carey and I decided early on that we would tackle this issue with more than one modality.  So the two of us decided to supplement Tim's work with other medicines as well.  I did a blood root protocol for three weeks and I felt every moment of that.  Blood root is derived from the root of a plant and has been used for thousands of years by the indigenous peoples of Turtle Island.  It can be painful as the blood root attacks and kills cells that are no longer viable.  I noticed shooting pains through my joints, muscles and even into my bones while I was taking the protocol.  After three weeks we ended the protocol and started on the next one.

I managed to source some CBD/THC oil from two friends and started taking it at night before bed time.  I tried it in the morning once, but I found I was very sleepy, so taking it at night knocked me out for the whole night and that seems an easier way to take the medicne.  I started at .01ml and worked my way up to 2.0ml a day.  I've since sourced some marijuana and started infusing my own oil that has higher THC levels and finding it is helping even more.  CBD and THC tackles the sick cells that can be cured and brought back to normal health.  Between the blood root and the CBD/THC oil, they complement one another VERY well.  

About 5 grams of marijuana with olive oil, left in a warm place by the stove. 

The CBD/THC protocol needs resources to fix cells and that is where Tim's glandular therapy protocol really helps as it provides those resources to ensure the CBD/THC protocol can fix the damaged cells.  Tim told me that the glandular therapy would fix the cells too, but the CBD/THC protocol is a power booster for the glandular therapy. They work VERY well together.

Tim also introduced me to DMSO and I started using it as a carrier of the CBD/THC topically, right over the tumor on my neck.  The DMSO helps transport the CBD & THC directly to the tumor and also promotes a rush of blood to the area to aid in the healing process.  As a result of these protocols, I've noticed a significant reduction in the size of the tumor on my neck.  

The tumor's name is "Lou" and he got an eviction notice.

Step Three:  Change how I eat

For those who know me, I am a grazer, love to snack and I love chocolate, sweets and other goodies.  This part was actually the most difficult for me to accomplish.  I've been working hard to cut out the sugar which feeds cancer.  While I'm not 100% free of sugar in my diet, I have reduced my intake considerably.  The good news is that the majority of our diet is fairly good already and I attribute that to us growing and harvesting our own food rather than buying it from the store / industrial food complex.  

We have worked hard to rebuild the health of the soil in our garden and as such, our food has a much higher nutritional content than commercial crap in the stores.  More importantly, we harvest food from the forest which has a very high nutritional density.  Despite our efforts though, we fell short because we have yet to harvest all the organs and glands from the animals that we slaughter.  This has changed this fall as we are now starting to explore how to harvest ALL the animal.  This is taking time though as it does require that we overcome some bias towards the glands and organs that most people feel is gross or icky.  Moving to traditional recipes is helping in that regard.  

Ground, dried kidney

One of the things that we did was to grind up and dry specific organs so that they can be added to smoothies.  We did this with some kidneys and it seems to be a method that would work out well for us.  The learning continues.  I also found out that dandelion roots have a wonderful anti-cancer property and I just happened to harvest a whole bunch last spring.  So I ground them up and started drinking dandelion root tea!

Ground dandelion root

Status update

This has been an amazing journey and although I'm not finished healing my body, I would say that I'm 90% complete in my efforts to return good health to my vessel.  Through the process I evaluated my memory and energy levels using a scale from 0 to 10.  0 being like I felt like dying and 10 being how I felt about 5 years ago.  Through the fall of 2018 I was rating my memory and energy levels at a 1 or 2, sleeping 12-16 hours a day and not capable of doing much work at all.  I was walking around the house like a 95 year old in a nursing home.  

Today I rate my memory at a 8 or 9 and my energy at a 7 or 8.  I am sleeping about 8 hours a day, working several hours without winding myself too much and capable of writing, having complex conversations and doing significant mental work.  When I was at a 1 or 2, I was not capable of engaging in any relationships so I was withdrawing from people and isolating myself.  Now I am reaching out, re-engaging with people and able to hold the energy of many relationships at the same time.

My work within my tribe as an elder, holding retreats & sharing circles has helped me overcome and prove that I am indeed healing, feeling better and recovering from this event in my life.  I started confronting the state and other violent offenders again and able to recover my ability to deal with complex situational awareness issues.  


Where do I go from here?

Carey and I will continue the protocols for as long as the lump is around.  It is shrinking quickly, so I anticipate it being gone in the next 4-6 weeks.  Life style and food changes will help us become self sufficient in the nutrients we need to maintain the health of our bodies.  Rather than purchasing them, we will work hard to source the glands & organs ourselves through our own harvesting practices.  If you cannot or will not do that yourself, then I highly recommend you contact Carey or Tim for help.  We will start to grow our own marijuana as medicine so that we can use it continually as a maintenance therapy.  

One of the important things I learned from my dear friend @earthmother, is that the medicine in the bush that we find is not meant to be picked and just sit in our apothecary as an emergency.   The medicine is to be used on a regular basis to help nourish and keep our vessels healthy and strong.  We are not supposed to wait until we are sick but instead take it to prevent sickness.  That is why the warriors of Turtle Island were such strong, vibrant spiritual beings.  They knew how to look after their bodies and that is why the colonial system was unable to kill them all off.  

They knew how to heal, live and thrive.  I have much to learn from them as well.  So now I sit here, sharing my story, testifying to what I know in my heart to be just one of many ways of dealing with illness.  My story is not unique as there are thousands of people out there who have healed their bodies with other modalities different than the one I just shared.  If we want to heal and take back our power from the government, we must take FULL responsibility for our health and well being.  That means doing the work and not blaming others for our own failures.  I took a leap of faith and I have no regrets.  Even if I died, it was my choice and I refuse to blame anybody else for any failure!

I thank my wife for being the catalyst behind building this protocol for me.  I thank Tim for supporting her and providing the expertise, guidance and wisdom required to help me rebuild my body.  I thank Natalie and Christine for the gifts that they gave me and I thank Tim once again for the gifts as well.  I thank @earthmother for her support and wisdom as we both went through similar issues at the same time.  

I know that our life style helped tremendously as I was able to heal my body without going into debt.  We burned through the steem that I earned throughout the year, but that is what it is for.  Carey and I came through this serious and debilitating illness without putting our lives at risk through debt or other colonial obligations.  We put our faith in Creator to provide what we needed and I am stronger and healthier as a result.  

This is my testimony.  I wanted to remain fairly silent about it all as I know lots of people have lots of opinions about cancer and serious illnesses.  But I stand here today to testify that we did it ourselves, without government help, doctors, lab tests, etc.  I know deep down that if I went to the doctor, I would most likely be dead or near death by now.  I would be joining my father in the Spirit Realm if I did this 'their' way.  

I love you all.  I love my body.  I love life.  Bring it on!!!


This made my eyes leak. I am so grateful for your story, your journey, your friendship. One day soon I will be sharing. You inspire me. You, Carey, Tim, Monique. So much love for my tribe. Xoxo

You should really get that looked at my friend. Your eyes leak a lot lately. lol. Thank you my dear sister for the courage you also showed and for walking this path with me, side by side. Much love to you and my tribe as well!!! xoxoxoxo

:) I think my eyes are working the way they should! Lol lol

Indeed they are. <3 Indeed they are!!! I love when your eye's leak!!!

I learn from both of you and what a journey it has been! I am happy to have learned what I have so far as my kids are young and they will be able to learn how to properly take care of themselves even more when they are older as they already hold some of this knowledge.

Right now Emma deals with asthma, not severely. But knows that the best thing that can help her when she struggles is the natural way and even asks me for it. We have her pumps here and she never asks for them. Instead she wants the liquid that contains all of the proper plants like witch hazel, sage, juniper, king solomon, fenugreek, black cumin, thyme, clove, etc. It doesn't taste great but she would rather take that and I am SO proud of her.

It is like magic, what we see when we heal ourselves naturally. And the love and respect I have for it is awesome. For what it is doing for you, what it has done for @earthmother. What it does for my children...It is wonderful!

Bravo @foxyspirit. I'm so glad that you are teaching your kids how to reconnect with the natural medicine of Mother Earth. I stand on my testimony and I know for some people it is not enough. They want the science evidence in order to make the decision. The problem is that science is owned by money now and it only covers the physical realm, can be manipulated, etc. But we miss out on the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of our being and true health requires all four!!! Bravo to you for teaching your kids ALL aspects of health, not just the physical.

Thank you very much. I have @earthmother helping me with this and she also teaching my kids so much. Avia is also doing the same and I love that she can at her age! She brings so much to this world.

Your are indeed blessed to have them in your life. I'm very happy for you. <3

Thank you for sharing your journey.
My father-in-law passed away in 2012 after two years of various chemotherapy treatments which made him progressively sicker. It was one of the things that arry me on the path to learning more about natural protocols and healthy eating. My mother-in-law also went through two operations to remove cancer from her breast and womb between 2008 and 2012. It was something that really hit home for realtreebivvy and led me to looking into preventative measures for cancer.

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The stories that people have are a LOT alike. I know that by sharing our stories we can find a different narrative and change the outcomes of peoples lives. It is sad and painful to watch people surrender to the authority of the state and get treated in such brutal and horrible ways. How is @realtreebivvy doing? I've not heard from him in over 9 months. I pray for you both. Thank you for sharing and keeping in touch. Peace to you.

Thank you. Work gets him down. He mostly tries to distract himself from it when home. My focus is to clear this mortgage debt so that he can feel he has a breathing space. It's hard to see a way out when the system has it's hooks in. Well keep looking though. There is a lot of fear over jobs as well at the moment leading to people clinging onto the ones they have come hell or high water. It's hard to ungrip once fear plays its part.

Peace to you and Carey too and may your healing continue as rapidly as it has been.

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Impressive story! I hope you get rid of that tumor as soon as possible.
I've watched my sister tortured with chemo and radiation. Unfortunately, she would not even try any natural remedies.
Stay strong and keep fighting!

I was feeling the tumor just now and I think it has gone down significantly even from the time I took the picture yesterday, which showed up on this post. I'm very happy. At this rate it will be gone in a few weeks. I'm sorry to hear about your sister. I witnessed my dad go through the same torture. It is inhumane and unethical in my view. Thank you for sharing and I appreciate the encouragement. Peace to you.

Great article. Congratulations that you took your health to your own hands. I am learning about these natural remedies for almost 2 years and I already tried a lot. My favorite is MMS. Make your own research and you will see .... It is incredible. I am using it myself together with DMSO and give it even to my dog. I wish you all the best a good health!!!!

I've heard a lot about MMS as well. Bravo to you for using it. We did blood root with our dog as she had a tumor on her neck. It literally burst through her skin, leaking all kinds of crap all over. But it healed and she is doing great. There are so many wonderful remedies out there. Thank you for sharing some of them with us all. I pray to Creator that you continue your healing journey in peace, freedom, prosperity, joy, love and great health, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

How do you use MMS with DMSO, and for which ailments? Just curious, have a sore hip. I know about dmso and its properties, great stuff.

I made 70% DMSOspray bottle and an MMS spray (30 drops activated MMS for 100 ml bottle). I spray DMSO first afterward MMS. If you want to use it orally you can add a few drops of DMSO into the MMS solution. There are plenty of videos by Jim Humble on the internet showing many possibilities for how to use it correctly.
One example - my dog has a swelling on his face. I give him few drops of MMS into the water and I spray him the swelling with DMSO and MMS a few times a day.

So glad you are finding good health again, @wwf!

That is when I started to feel an unconditional love for my vessel.

This reminded me of my meditations during my cancer diagnosis 5 1/2 years ago, when forgiveness was asked of my vessel for not taking care in my lifestyle over the years.

Chemo therapy was rejected by me, however the cancer was removed from my tongue and lymph through surgery. Without your great knowledge it seemed the only option for me at the time.

Honoring the light within you. ✌💛

I am SO GLAD you are back Rob ❤❤❤
Hugs!! And, many thanks to our precious mother and to the dear loving wise members of your tribe! May Creator bless us All. #weareone

Fantastic that you are healing well that is awesome news thanks for the update.

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Grateful for the support of people on this blockchain as my relationships with all of you helped cover the bills while I was sick. I am forever grateful!!! Peace to you.

Most welcome mate as I love what you share here with us. :)

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Awesome knowledge you gain. Experience on your own is the best teacher. Love, hug a healing power from my hose to yours. Bless you, my friend!

Peace to you as well. Thank you.

That's an amazing story. Sounds like you'll make a full recovery, unlike most chemo/radiation "therapy" victims. Well done, your experience is proof that we can heal ourselves.

Thank you for sharing your journey with cancer, you have such a strong and powerful attitude and I agree so much that we are the doctors of our own bodies. My sister is on her own journey at the moment. You really are an inspiration, thank you my friend xxx sending you light, love and healing xxxx

Thank you. My thoughts and prayers go out to your sister and your entire tribe. It takes a whole tribe to heal a member and I pray that Creator provides all that she needs to heal her vessel. <3

Thank you @jimbobbill. You were the 30,000 upvote on my blog!!!

It's a pleasure. I've only recently started reading your blog and as someone who is close to the beginning of their spiritual journey, find the things you write about fascinating.

Your recent blog about whether people are prepared for the next (engineered) crash has really made me worry for the future. I am stuck in the system, have two young children and the things I want for my family are almost impossible to get while the majority of people around me continue to believe in the lies they have been brought up to believe.

I'm 40 years old and I need to take a leap of faith and make big changes very soon if I am going to stand of chance of giving my family a better life.

Sorry to read about your cancer but pleased that your treatments and diet are helping. I'll be following your progress with interest. In some ways it would have been good if you had visited a doctor, if only to get an 'official' diagnosis and to get your blood tested for nagalese, t-cells and other cancer markers. When you cure yourself using natural methods instead of killing yourself with chemo poison, being able to provide evidence that will be accepted by believers in the medical cartel might convince some of them to try the methods you have described to treat and heal their cancer before they rush into having carcinogenic poison pumped into their veins.

I hope you continue to heal and I am able to continue to read your words. x