My Independence day - April 12, 2008

in #ungrip7 years ago

In under 2 months I will be celebrating 10 years of independence.  On a warm and sunny Saturday afternoon, I sat around a fire with a bunch of friends that I invited to help me witness my declaration.  My wife and I had already been living off grid for a year at that point and we were comfortable with the prospects of being able to hold our own.   I wanted to take my work to the next level as I could not conscientiously continue being a feudal serf to the Queen in Right of Alberta or the Queen in Right of Canada.  All the other freedom techniques that I was learning at the time did not resonate with me at all.  So I decided to take a page out of history and I took the Declaration of Independence that was signed in 1776 and modify it for my own use.   

I had to modify it heavily as the document had a declaration of war in it.  I also modified it so that I could comprehend what it was saying as the wording was complex and bordering on esoteric.  I sat around the fire with my friends and family and explained to them what I was doing and they all agreed to be a witness to my declaration. 

In doing so I had a few things to address right away.  The first was to decide what law form I was going to use to govern myself.  By making my declaration I was no longer subject to the law form of the realm and without some sort of code of conduct and ethics, I could easily have strayed from the path.  I wanted a law form that did not require amendments, constant upgrading to catch contingencies or the administrative nightmare as I saw with my previous master.   I wanted a law form that was simple to remember but powerful enough to ensure that I maintained the peace.  That is when I decided to use this passage as my law form.

Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. ... And the second [is] like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. - Matthew 22:36-40 

Over the past 10 years I have come to respect this passage as I explore the true meaning of what is said here and I am in awe of the significance.  It really does reflect how important it is for me to love myself first so that I can truly honour and love others and Creator! 

With my law form in place, the first thing to do with my old master was to declare peace and forgive her.  So I sent her a letter with my declaration of peace and I forgave her, thanked her for giving me the greatest gift I could have received from her and I told her that I loved her. 

What could have possibly moved me to do that?  Well, I see my relationship with the Queen differently than most.  I love the Queen and all that she has done as she gave me the greatest gift anybody else could possibly give.  She made my life so uncomfortable that it prompted me to wake up and start taking responsibility for my life.   Her violence provided the mechanisms that pushed me to realize the level of slavery and dependency I was blindly accepting, which woke me up from my slumber.  

She literally saved my spirit from wasting away this life time.   It is my firm belief that my approach to freedom has resulted in a relatively peaceful transition.  I've never been arrested or put in jail for all the work that I do.  It has come close, but the peace has been maintained because I insist that it does.   My master is Creator and I work hard to serve.   

The consequences of that choice also meant that I had to dive head first into my relationship with Creator and Mother Earth.  Having no more safety net, I had to learn quickly what it would take to live on the land and return to my relationship with all that was created by my Spiritual master.  

I am like a child as I explore these relationships, with so much to learn.  The more I learn the more I realize that I am ignorant of the true nature of this physical realm or my role in it.  I've been tempted to return many times, but I resisted and dedicated myself even more to loving Creator and Mother Earth.  As I share my journey I know that I influence people along the way.  

In less than two months, I will reflect on the past decade as I look forward to what the future will hold during my time here.  May I reconcile my relationship with Creator using grace, peace and love as I've found ways to love myself so that I can express that love in all my relationships in the best and only way I know how. 

Nobody alive is a signatory to the Declaration of Independence.  Time to make your own and declare peace!    


this s so important news, thanks for sharing.

happy to celebrate the 10th anniversary of independence, you should approach yourself to the creator, maybe there will be an essential peace

The passage of the bible you quoted is a piller that has moved my life to some great heights. Happy independence to you lest i forget

Reading through this wisdom filled post revealed a lot and has some messages that seem to appear particular to me.
Happy independence celebration in advance. May your creator sustain you to be able to go even deeper in learning and obeying the chosen law as these laws were not man made and mortals cannot keep them without Divine help.

This is beautiful. The level one may be, helps build the tomorrow . If you didn't come in contact with the queen you wouldn't have opted for the change. She gave you a gift indeed. People's actions and behavior motivates someone to have some quiet time and reflect about life. Thanks for sharing this piece. Happy Independence

What a beautiful anniversary and what a worthy occasion. What a blessig it is for everyone here to have 10 years of knowledge being shared through you. I will be taking your suggestion to heart this year 💛

That's an interesting concept. You can use it to make declarations of freedom for lots of things. As I was reading it I was thinking about people who are living with addictions. It could be awesome for them to declare their freedom from those addictions.
I liked how you talked about being uncomfortable with the current system so you could move to something different. Until we're dissatisfied with where we're at, we're unlikely to move to something better.

The material imprint of their goals and views on life is a very cool practice. I'm doing something very similar. I'm glad that I found another person practicing spiritual development. Good luck to you.

Материальное запечатления своих целей и взглядов на жизнь это очень крутая практика. Я занимаюсь чем-то очень похожим. Я рад, что нашел еще одного человека практикующего духовное развитие. Удачи Вам.

What an important concept.

We should all strive to make our own declaration of independence at the level we are comfortable with now, and to the level we aspire to as we move forward on our journey through life.

Can't wait to talk about it on the show tonight!

How was it that night, when you declared your independence?

I can guess it was quite an emotional act! Something you'll definitely remember the rest of your life and that marked a turning point.

How did the others react? They all understood it?

Over suppress leads to revolt attitude and this is system is suppressing and crushing the folks just for the sake of their personal gains or to make their masters happy(Feudal lords). Yes, you took a great decision to take your own responsibility by thanking the Queen, who actually compelled you get freedom.

She made my life so uncomfortable that it prompted me to wake up and start taking responsibility for my life. Her violence provided the mechanisms that pushed me to realize the level of slavery and dependency I was blindly accepting, which woke me up from my slumber.

I am waiting for the day when i will witness that all the folks f the world has got up for their rights against the cruelty of this system. Your declaration actually gave me positive energy to bring about change on my end My Spiritual Brother @wwf <3

Peace and love until money is on the line....

Then the war analogies come out full force....

And the desire for the ruination of another....

Oh the energy....and it is being fed big time...I can feel it through my computer.

Congratulations on your tenth anniversary! That is quite an accomplishment. You can not fulfil the other parts of the declaration if you first do not love your creator and yourself.

Greetings @wwf, another demonstration of Taking Back Your Power, and doing so non-violently.

...she gave me the greatest gift anybody else could possibly give. She made my life so uncomfortable that it prompted me to wake up and start taking responsibility for my life.

Here you demonstrate - to my mind - a fundamental aspect of being non-violent ie seeing adversity as a teacher, guru even - and revering it as such!

Without such adversity (opression from govt. or groups or individuals, life situations etc) one might never have the opportunity to experience extreme states of mind which, as a result of the intensity of Darkness, also allow a corresponding Brilliance of Illumination, once they are assimilated, processed and transcended. Another way of putting it may be to say that the Service hereby rendered is one of bringing hidden and deep-rooted stuff to the surface thereby offering the possibility of release from it. This 'stuff' would otherwise remain concealed and continue to work negatively in the background of one's life - friends and loved ones unable to help! What an amazing Service this actually is!!

Your tirelessness is inspiring. May this by-gone decade be the end of 'struggling' and may the next decades of Independence bring deep joy and lasting peace to you and all those around.

With deep respect,

Namaste 🕉