If we were to have another son or daughter, we would raise them VERY differently.

in #ungrip7 years ago (edited)

Our two sons are grown men now and over the last 24 years we made mistakes but managed to raise them to the best of our ability.  Through the process we learned a LOT and if we had to do it again, we would make many changes.  In the spirit of @canadian-coconut latest blog post about CPS kidnapping children, which you can read here, this is how I would raise our off-spring differently than most.


This strategy starts long before babies are even made.  I start here because if we get a 'legal' wedding, what we are doing is entering into a three party contract, husband/wife/state.  A 'lawful' spiritual wedding is only a two party contract, husband & wife.  With the legal three party contract, the state claims all proceeds from the union.  What proceeds come from a union?  Babies!!!  If we get a 'lawful' two party wedding, the state has no claim and we protect our rights from the state and surrender nothing to them.

Home Delivery

All babies would be born at home.  Mothers have been delivering babies since the beginning of time.  Yes, years ago there was a high mortality rate, but we have a lot of technology, knowledge and wisdom at our disposal now to mitigate the risks.  Having home deliveries serves several purposes.

No vaccinations

Being at home mitigates the risk that some over zealous nurse or doctor in the hospital giving the baby vaccinations which causes great harm to the baby.  


Keeping the baby attached to the placenta for at least half an hour but with the goal of an hour, allows the baby to absorb all the blood and nutrients in the placenta BEFORE the cord is cut.  This then mitigates the need for Vitamin K shots and also avoids weight loss in the first day or two of the baby being on this side of the womb.  

Natural Home Delivery

The mom has instincts and if she can get into a meditative state, she could deliver that baby with little or no pain, which means no drugs either.  There is a significant strategy to this process which my wife @carey-page has consulted with other moms with GREAT success.  I will ask her to write about it on her blog.  

The women are, in my view, portals between the spiritual realm and the physical realm.  The only way a spiritual being can manifest into this physical realm is through a woman.  She is sacred and needs to be treated as such.  The process of manifesting into this physical realm is also sacred and needs to be protected. 

No Birth Certificate

When we have our babies at home, there is much less coercion or intimidation from the hospital staff to get the birth registered.  This is critical as the process of registering the birth actually results in the parents turning over legal title of their baby over to the state.  Remember the three party wedding?  If you are legally married, you will receive a lot of harassment and threats from the state to register the birth because of their jurisdiction.  

The only way we would utilize a hospital is if it was a matter of life or death.  If you want to record the baby being born, then write it down in your family bible!  This method has been used for hundreds upon hundreds of years and is perfectly lawful to do.  


I'm going to raise this again, because it is an issue long after our sons or daughters come into this world.  Vaccinations are doing great harm to our off-spring.  Our oldest son was damaged severely as a result and I would NEVER do that to a baby our youth ever again.  Having a home delivery and no BC helps me to ensure the state does not force this onto my sons or daughters.  

Home Schooling

Again, if we 'register' our sons and daughters for school, we are turning over legal title and responsibility to the state.  I would never do that.  I would get setup to home school our off-spring ourselves.  When they are mature and want to go into the system, they can always get their GED and apply to collages or universities.  I hear some universities prefer home schooled people as they can think and are very creative.  

Having them out of the schools also ensures that our off-spring are not being subjected to medical procedures like vaccinations, enticements into gender changes, teeth pulling, bulling, etc.  Don't even attempt to rebuke me with the argument of social interactions.  In my view, school yards are full of bullies and my two sons are far more healthy and socially aware than most who went through the state gauntlet.  

Health Care

My wife is a homeopath and has taken care of the vast majority of our son's health care needs.  Again, only if it was an emergency would we elicit the support of the state.  Their medical system deals with trauma very well, but suck at real holistic health care.  So we would get their help only if it is an emergency.  That way we can ensure that we mitigate any risks that our off-spring would be harmed or taken away from us.

A story to support this idea

What I propose may sound crazy to a lot of people.  I wrote a blog a few months ago about me confronting Social Services (CPS) in St. Albert on behalf of an indigenous boy that we were helping out.  You can read the blog to see that we do have power and authority against these pirates and we can impact them to change the system.  

But the most amazing story came from a fellow who lived in California that had gone through my workshop a few years ago.  He is young, in his twenties and had a relationship with his common law wife (two party wedding).  They were not legally married, which means there is no three party contract.  They just had a baby (home delivery) and the baby's birth was not registered (no birth certificate).  

They were camping in a public park, he and his wife in one tent, their baby right beside them in another tent.  They were raided by police officers and CPS.  They took the baby and charged him with child endangerment, assaulting a police officer and a hand full of other serious charges.  They checked over the baby to make sure he/she was healthy and in 30 minutes returned the baby to the mother.  

He was put in jail and stood on the ground  (jurisdiction) that he is a Spiritual Being and not a 'name'.  They sent him for a psychiatric assessment and he continued to stand on that principle.  By the end of the three day psychiatric assessment the doctors were addressing him as a spiritual being and not a name.  After 5 days of being in custody, the prosecutor dropped ALL charges and he walked out as a free Spiritual Being!!!

How did that work out?  Because he knew who he was and they had no contracts with the state.  The state must return the baby to the mother because they did not have legal title to take him/her.  Otherwise, that would be kidnapping!  He got out of jail because they don't have jurisdiction over spiritual beings.  They worked hard to get him to admit to being the name, which is a fictional person, which they DO have jurisdiction over.  If he admitted to the name, he would still be in jail.  But because he stood by his spiritual beliefs, they had to let him go.  

I've been doing this work for 13 years and I've never been arrested or put in jail.  Why?  Because I AM that I AM.  I AM a spiritual being on this planet under the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of God, which is within me!  There is great power standing in this jurisdiction, but it requires a LOT of work to get there and remove all the contracts and dependencies we have on the state.  My blog is ALL ABOUT THIS PROCESS.


It is critical that we know who we are and how we bind ourselves to the state.  Our off-spring are being taken away because we give the state the authority to do so.  But there is A LOT that we can do to confront the state and put them into their box.  But it requires courage, knowledge, research and wisdom to do it.  It is critical that we engage in this work as our off-spring need to be protected by these lost souls who have resorted to violence, anger, greed, contempt and disgust.  Their behaviour is abhorrent and the only way we are going to remedy it is if we stand up in our own spiritual authority and confront them face-to-face.  

What I and others like my California friend has done sounds extreme and full of risk.  What I suggest is NOT doing this is even riskier.  I have many friends now who have had home births, have not registered their babies and they are all doing just fine!  CPS is not making them have home care so that they can get spies into their homes.  None of that is happening.  Learn your rights.  They need warrants to get into the house.  Don't EVER let anybody into your home, ever!

Don't talk to the police.  Ever!  Revoke the public's implied consent to knock on your door.  Keep them off your land.  There is a lot of strategies that we can implement to create barriers to protect our off-spring and ourselves.

Go through my blog from start to finish.  Educate yourself.  Learn how they speak, think and behave.  Learn about who you are, your rights and the severe restrictions they are supposed to operate under.  Statutes and regulations are there to restrict THEM, not US.  

We are 100% responsible and accountable for our actions or inactions.  They are getting away with this because we are not acting and taking responsibility.  No excuses any more!  There is a war going on and our off-spring are pawns in that war.  It is up to us to declare peace and protect your off-spring.


This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection

Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.

Funds are being raised so that in the future we can help families fight the system and stay together. Your UPVOTE of this comment will support this cause.

Thank-you @wwf for supporting @familyprotection

This reasonates so strongly with me that it made me cry. Yes to every single point. If I had it to do over or knew then what I do now it would be so different. From violent hopsital births, vaccination damage to CAS and furthur medical damage....I know now what to do, but then I did not. Our poor children, and the whole family units <3

This is why it is so critical that grand parents participate with the process of raising our young precious babies. Parents are just too young and don't have the benefit of experience. But we do. By engaging with the next generation we can bring some wisdom to the process and break these cycles! <3 My heart aches with the mistakes we made, but part of the process is to forgive myself, learn from them and make sure we take action as a result. Otherwise our silence ends up being the biggest mistake and we end up consenting to the harm that was created.

Absolutly. I have 2 grandbabies under 3 and I am so involved with their lives. I fully support my daughter's choices to raise them differently than I knew to raise her...I am proud of the mamas that are rising up now and taking our rights as parents back. It is my job to not let these mistakes and damage be repeated with my grandchildren. I am lucky that my children are aware and that I began teaching them tbe truth when I did, even if it was to late for them.

<3 I am not a grand parent yet, but when the day comes, I pray I can help them through it all. It will depend on the ladies they find as well. But I am confident that they will be conscious because of how we raised our sons. I have faith it will work out as I have faith in my sons! They know why we took this path. My youngest is in the city and he see now why we live the way we do. He gets it!

BOOM!!!!! Yes!!!!!

Absolutely brilliant TED talk. I love it!

Well said:

We are 100% responsible and accountable for our actions or inactions.

Register and you become property of the State!

Revoke the contract/ Birth Certificate by claiming it back.

Learn your rights!

Well, our approach differs there. I did not claim it but rather detached myself from it as the document was created by the state. They are the author of the document, not me or my parents. As such, I sent mine back to Caesar. Creator is my master and he does not need fictional constructs to keep track of his children. I explore the whole thing in my book and in this blog.

I do know some people who claim their Certificate of Live Birth and they have some success doing that. But in my view, they are claiming something that is not theirs to claim as they are not the author of the document. I urge caution. With that said, it would be okay for citizens or feudal serfs to do that.

For me, I am no longer a feudal serf and that is why I refuse to claim it. So it all depends on who you are and your relationship with the state.

I have found that if you do not get your Birth Certificate/BC application form back from the State they presume/assume you are property of theirs.

When I use the word Claim I mean claim damages of your rights being violated.

I think it goes way deeper than that. Not to impugn your research, but my views are very different. From what I've found, the very act of signing an application of any kind is a feudal oath of fealty. The fact that you or others 'applied' to get those documents back, is an oath of fealty as our signature is an attestation / oath. Receiving the document is a benefit. The only way I found to get out is to refuse 'service' have all tenures canceled so that my bond with the Queen / State / Crown / etc is broken, declare peace and declare my commitment to Creator instead. It goes way beyond a BC document.

Who is in possession is of no consequence to them. I stood in court and had a judge ask me which name was on the birth certificate. He cared not who was in possession of it, just that it existed.

It is my duty to forgive, not to make claims of damages or harm. I am to be a witness to the violence and confront it, but I refuse to make claims.

While I recognize that our views are different, I respect what you have done. I just cannot do what you have done as my views and research has lead me to this path and my gut tells me that the document is not mine, but instead belongs to the state. The state created it, parents only being witnesses, not creators.

Give onto Caesar what is Caesars, God what is God's. Any fictional construct created by the state belongs to the state. As such, I should be giving it back as it is not mine. Everything in the Physical Realm and Spiritual Realm belongs to God. That is where I dedicate my work. A BC was created in the fictional realm and as such must remain there.

My view. Peace to you. If you read my book and blog, I explain it in far more detail.

Greetings... I to come in PEACE my brother and friend helping mankind!
I also shared the same view you speak of which is valid.

I do disagree with the belief that the State created the Fiction/Contract.

  • I have found that Parents created the name and applying for the Birth Certificate is the contract.

  • Parents also Error by not correcting the spelling of all Upper case when they received the BC, tha'ts the fiction.

  • The process I mention is the process provided to human beings under International Laws. Upheld by 198 Countries.

  • The process provides remedies if claim is filed properly with evidence.




Americans must use the assistance of the Supremcy Act/clause

The Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution (Article VI, Clause 2) establishes that the Constitution, federal laws made pursuant to it, and treaties made under its authority, constitute the supreme law of the land.

Be Well and Prosper!


Amazing article. Amazing . This is exactly how I see it. I have been blessed with Avia, 18 years after my youngest. I agree, and have successfully navigated through most of your thoughts. I was hospitalized because of age complications, and was harassed continously about not vaccinating, and eye drops. Grateful for the wisdom and strength of being older, to not cave to their pressure.
Thank you for sharing

Love this post. Both my husband and I are common-law we don't refer to each other as partners because in our minds we are husband and wife and we don't need a government piece of paper to make it official. I had my babies at home with midwives, best decision ever! Yes, we did register them but with hesitation. We are currently homeschooling both kids which is a lot of work but knowing we are in control of messaging and what and how they are being taught makes the stress worth it. Neither child is vaccinated either. Because of our way of life and beliefs however we feel we are walking on eggshells, family is constantly judging, financially it is tight because I can't fully focus on my private practice as much as I would like and hubby refuses to work full time so he can be home to help with the kids. I don't regret anythign but find it can be overwhelming when you go against the grain sometimes. Post like these though validate our choices.

I applaud you with the choices you have made the the courage it takes to walk that path. I hope that my work will help provide some knowledge so that those egg shells don't hurt so much. People like yourselves need support and I pray that you find a community here that you can lean on and ask questions. I recommend that you also follow @canadian-coconut and @familyprotection as they are working to bring awareness and support for people like yourselves. Keep in touch. I would like to know how you all are doing. My blog may help you find the foundation for self-governance so that you can stand in that spiritual jurisdiction to help protect you from the claws of the state. May Creator bless you with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love.

I love your posts. @fulltimegeek made a good choice in supporting you.

I hope that I can draw your attention, and support towards 'The Red Pill' a documentary about the Men's Rights Movement, something I was partially aware of, but I think needs much more exposure.

Most striking story was how American/European worlds media freaked out when it was discovered Muslim Extremists had kindnapped 200 girls. But the full story is much more sad/crazy/upsetting. The Muslim Extremists where against western/christian education for anyone. They literally had been killing boys in those schools and letting the girls go! Holyshit is all I could say when I found out. In the papers, and their are plenty of examples, when it was the boys it said 'people'. They had been sending the girls home, it was after they hadn't gotten any attention they kidnapped them.

But the 'rabbit hole' doesn't end there. When I tried to find the article listed above to resteem (I closed eSteem and lost my place... oops) I couldn't find it. I googled, I duckduckgo'd and nothing. I searched for within the last 24 hours things like 'red pill movie' and the like, all things I knew where in the title. Then I found peekier.com. That led me back to the proper post. Only like 7 search engines later, it was actually pretty big hassle. I did find the article on duckduckgo later, but not if I included 'last 24 hours' or 'within the last week' censorship around this topic is huge, they don't want feminists to find it, to break their delusional bubble they live in.

Thank you again for all you do, I appreciate your posts very much. Take care.

Thank you. I am aware of the issue, but I have not dived into it that much. There are so many issues that if I addressed them all, I would be spread so thin that I would lose my message. So while my heart appreciates your desire for me to research it further, I pray that you can appreciate that my message would address issues like that if we stop to examine our relationships, the violence and coercion that is being exposed and how we can work on ourselves to find peace so that we can confront other peoples violence. If each of us picked up a cause, we could change the world. I cannot pick up all of them, but I encourage you to write about this issue, bring it to peoples attention and expose the violence associated with it all.

I'm not sure if you are aware, but your browser keeps a history, so you can look through your history to find all the web pages that you visited over the last day, week or even months. :)

Thank you for sharing this. I really do appreciate your efforts and may Creator bless you with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love.

Thank you for the reply. I am thinking I will stick my nose into this one, I'm just not sure how many I can reach. But I will keep trying.

I'm not sure if you are aware, but your browser keeps a history, so you can look through your history to find all the web pages that you visited over the last day, week or even months. :)

that is why I mentioned 'eSteem' an application on the android, no history, no way to find it that I am aware of. I'm seriously considering writing my own application for the android, one that provides, among many features, the ability to filter people that use upvote bots.

But as I am finding out, that is not the only problem here, it would seem that 'proof of stake' is limited to those that actually care about money, and unfortunately there are people with way to much money and those just out to game the system. So who knows, maybe create a system that somehow limits pure money buy-ins, that forces people to prove their good will within a community, if not here, perhaps steemit will be my inspiration to create something that does accomplish such goals.

I digress, thanks for all you do.

If your spirit moves you to dig into this issue, I applaud you @Klevn. Not many people will pick up a cause. So bravo. The only thing that has ever changed this world is ideas and people willing to work on them! We are experiencing disclosure now, so any work you can do to expose these issues then makes it harder for people to participate in this level of violence. Thank you for all you do!

Sadly, almost every single person fell for the same lies. I don't think it was your intention, but your post got me feeling that we need to have more compassion for people that are still caught up in these lies, because not long ago we were in the same position. So, thanks.

I agree. Compassion, patience and patience. It took me years to figure it out and it is a very uncomfortable journey. If people have the will and ability, then they are well on their way. If the have the will but lack the ability, then it is our duty to teach and empower. But if they lack the will, then I cannot help them as I refuse to engage in force or coercion to brake their will and turn them around. We each have a journey and I must respect their choices. But that does not mean I have to sit here silently either. I will speak out in the hopes that Creator will soften their heart and bring them around to having the will and desire to live in peace and freedom.

Great post @wwf.
I would have done so differently if I knew all this when my boys were little.
But I am resteeming so that more people can learn from this.

We changed the way we lived to. It is never to late to start with the kids. We began home schooling because we weren't satisfied with the system. Our children have turned out to be happier and well adjusted young men. They too are drifting away from state control. Grand kids are now being born at home. They see and know what is going on. I am as involved as I can be with the grand kids. It is so important.

this is amazing information wwf wow! I had no idea that

If we get a 'lawful' two party wedding, the state has no claim and we protect our rights from the state and surrender nothing to them. <.bockquote>

That alone is priceless information and ill be sure to pass it on to people i know!

Great job, thank you and happy Solstice to you!

I am glad you can 'see' what I was getting at. Please know that it takes much more than having a spiritual wedding to protect our off-spring. There is a whole protocol required to no longer be feudal serfs to the state. But if you read through my blog, you will get a better picture of what is required to stand up to the pirates. May Creator bless you along your journey.

Such a great post every parent should read. Though I am not a parent myself, two of my best friends decided to go travel SE-ASIA and raise and homeschool their 3 kids away from influential and corrupt governments and instances that don't have the best intentions when it comes to your kids. Only recently I learned that a birth certificate in the US and other counties means giving ownership of the baby to the state... that's just crazy. In Belgium, it is just proof of a baby being born.... and then the vaccine scheme is the US.. just crazy.

It is true to never talk to police and never let CPS in. I have a friend who let CPS in and she was telling me how nice they were. That's their job. To make you feel comfortable enough that you slip and tell them something they can use against you! It worked out okay for her, but her kids still have a file. We have done home birth and others mentioned above. If you plan to move out of the country (like we did), you do have to get a passport, so you have to have a birth certificate. Thanks for the interesting read!

What an AWESOME READ!!! Too many good points to even cover omgosh I couldn't agree with this more. I haven't read a more accurate article all day. Upvoted, shared on my social media and followed my friend! Cheers to that article! WOW!!! Look forward to more!



I wish I could start all over again too...

Resteeming so that others can learn this before they have children!!

Great post! Of my 4 blessings, 3 where born at home, no vaccinations, tried no birth certificates or ss#s but that didn't work out and all were homeschooled until we got divorced and everything turned a bit. I am grateful that I got to do what I did and love to hear of others doing the same!!!

wow your children looks handsome.I also a Karate student on Young Dragon Martial Arts Centre The Fight School.Black Belt.1st dren.Hope your children learn somthing better. Upvoted and Resteemed.

ive had a talk with newbie mom, and she told me something like: its impossible, i should be a doctor, chemist, psychologist, journalist researcher and who knows what else, to be able to take care of my child.

i answered her, yeah, thats what is it about mostly. and its not impossible, its called being a parent.

other option is easier, just be a little wheel in machine, and let doctors sell you some relief, in less than week, you will be telling yourself and others that ‚‚you did everything you could". because thats what they sell to people.

i didnt had much of childhood, so my parents had it bit easier than most. it was war, and my toys were battle first aid kit from mom, and m48 rifle from dad. ive been eating sammiches next to people who were cut open, amputated, or blown up completely. learned to dress wounds, stitch, find blood vessels. i knew how to recognize epilepsy, diff strokes, inner bleeding, panic attack and many other conditions ive seen in emergency room, because thats where i was playing as a kid.

all experience and knowledge i earned there, taught me only to be extra careful when dealing with health system. in war time, it was still great. those were heroes, people who were doing out of this world efforts to save and help people. Over the next few decades, ive seen it falling down to what we have now. and its bit of horror, when you dig a bit into subject. question is, should i ignore it, or fight against it? i mean, i could cut of your leg, and stop bleeding, even make transfusion, but i dont have artifical lungs at home.
or antialergen. or anestetic.

so its the moment when you have to deal with them. Ive been through it, and my advice is - dont believe them a word. check everything, involve as much people as you can.