Beware taking on a Name of War

in #ungrip7 years ago

Over the years, I've witnessed many people get themselves into trouble because they don't know how the state, debt collectors or others gain a food hold on our freedom.  It is our own ignorance and desire to be polite that they use to join us into agreements or contracts that then bind us to them, enforced by the violence of their laws.  

The good news is that we can fix our mistakes, but it does take a lot of work.  Did you know that if you are in their system, their contract laws stipulate that you have three days to cancel a contract.  It is called the cooling off period and is there to help us have a sober second look at the agreements that we enter into.  

But when these agreements are made face-to-face or over the phone, how do we know what the agent is saying or that we even entered into an agreement?  I've written about forked tongue language for years now, so how do we really know what they are saying?  We don't, unless we ask questions and educate ourselves.  Let me demonstrate what I mean by this.  

Scenario:  Some individual calls you up on the phone and asks if you are John Smith.  The name sounds like your name, but is it really you that they are looking for?  

Here is the problem:  Are they looking for the spiritual being in command of the flesh and blood vessel or are they looking for a corporation that just happens to have the same name?

Perhaps they are looking for JOHN SMITH, John SMITH or SMITH, John.  These are all different than 'John Smith', but sound the same when people speak them out loud.  They are desperate to get you to agree to be these corporations so that they can form a corporation sole upon which they can act upon.  They will resort to all kinds of pressure tactics and even threats to make joinder.   This happens with police, courts, CRA, CPS, WCB and all kinds of agencies!  

The problem we face is that these corporate names are all 'nom de guerre'!

nom de guerre:   an assumed name under which a person engages in combat or some other activity or enterprise. -

If we use these names that THEY created, then we accept them and we are at war.  They need us at war and that is why they are desperate to connect us to their names.  When we confirm we are the name, we just bound the corporation to our vessel and created a corporation sole, which they can then act upon.  We can slow their game down so that we have time to think and ask the right questions to avoid such joinder.  I refuse to talk to anybody over the phone unless I know who it is and that individual is NOT an agent of the state.  So when ever ANYBODY calls, the first words out of my mouth is this:

Who is calling please?

If it is an agent of the state or other corporation and asking for a name and birthdate, then I respond:

I don't know who this is.  I don't answer questions over the phone.  Please put your concerns into writing and send it to me.  

I will then hang up the phone.  We have no idea who is on the other end of the phone, so why engage them?  Their job is to gain joinder so that they can have jurisdiction over us.  My job is to protect my freedoms.  I have no duty or obligation to speak to them over the phone.  If they put their concerns into writing, then it slows the game down, gives me time to think, research, ask the right questions or just send it all back due to a lack of jurisdiction.  

I've had people literally yelling and screaming at me when I do this.  Their abusive behaviour will not be tolerated.  If anything, it proves just how out of control they really are!  Peace is paramount in all my interactions with the state.  Without me testifying against myself, their job suddenly became ten times more difficult! 

I'm at the point in my life now where I know that they are doing this.  In 2008 when the Crown Prosecutor pointed to the ticket and asked if that was me, I told him:

that is not me!  

The judge threw out the case due to a lack of evidence and then stated that 'this is not a precedent setting case'.  They could not gain joinder and as such had no jurisdiction.

When I was confronted with the property inspector in 2007, he came right onto the land we steward.  My approach was to make sure I asked a lot of questions.  I asked him who he is, asked for id and also asked which sections of the Municipality Act he was working under.  When he told me, that gave me an opportunity to end the conversation as I wanted time to look up those sections.  I asked him if I could get back to him once I did my research.  He agreed and left.  I slowed his game down without giving him any permission to take pictures, do inspections, agreeing to be the 'person' he was looking for or anything like that.  The conversation was then continued using letters as I found out he violated the act.  As a result, I got a nice letter from the Minister and never heard from him again.  

In the end, the name makes no difference.  What makes the difference is our willingness to participate with their system.  I've seen government agents not capitalize the name to appease people like me, but the moment it goes into the system, the nom de guerre goes right back up.  They are not trust worthy, so don't trust them.  There are a few good apples who really do want to help, but remember that they are still agents of the state and have a duty to report.  They are the police and we have no duty to talk to them.  

They are trying to make their job easier and it is not my job to comply.  Their job should be ten times more difficult as the courts have constantly stated that it is better to let 10 guilty people go free than one innocent be jailed.  The burden is on them, not us.  They wanted that job, so demand that they do it properly!  

The people are the ones that provide the checks and balances with the state.  The people have reneged on their duty and as such we have tyranny unfolding all over the world.  If you want the benefits and privileges of the state, then it is your duty to ensure they don't exceed their authority.  That takes a lot of work and sadly not many are willing to do that work.  

The choice is always in the hands of the individual.  


My favorite example of this is when you have to sign an indemnity form to enter a workplace. I can honestly say that in the past 5 years or more I have never signed my own name one of these. As you said it is upon us to protect our rights not give them away!

Yup. I've not 'signed' anything in over 10 years. I feel more free now than I did ever in my life. Even the word 'contract' means to constrict, shrink, compress. Why would we do that to ourselves?

Thank you! There are some great things in here! (As your posts always do)
You put so much research into your blogs, that make it easier to dive in and comprehend. I am grateful for all of it. It really makes sense, and helps to move out of the fear of war.

I am grateful that people like you are reading these posts! <3 On top of that, comprehending what I'm talking about! Bravo.

i don't think the courts care who is guilty or innocent anymore, they only care about taking as much money as possible. There are no honourable men here in the judicial system only cretinous thieves. Even if you know legalese and can stand up to these bullies, they will do what they want and force that joinder between you and the person against your wish and use threats of violence to get their own way anyway - without your consent or a jury. When the law is unlawful, and all government agencies corrupt, to whom do you turn to for help? Those in public office such as the office of public integrity are corrupt because they are also following unlawful legal codes and their "brainwashing" makes them believe that it is the right way and true. i come in peace and bear no ill will, and yet the system demands violence upon me, why?
Keep sowing the words of wisdom and love brother - if only there were more of us :)

There are honourable men in the system. I've run into them. What is required is the patience, awareness and insight to 'see' them and 'hear' them when they offer support or guidance. I once had a judge give me two opportunities to get out of the court room and I was so focused on fighting that I was completely deaf and blind to what he was doing.

I've stood my ground with another judge and she dismissed the case and affirmed that it was not a 'president setting case'. They still have to play by the rules. Knowing what the rules are is a completely different matter.

Those in office are corrupt beyond belief. On that point I can agree. There are others within the system that are corrupt too. However, I do believe there are people within the system that want to do good. All they are waiting for is for us to help them do that work! They need our support.

Choices play an important part in our life. If we are willing to protect our freedom then nobody has the power to enslave us whether its corporate of government.

The main problem lies when government servants who are enrolled or inducted to serve people start behaving like masters. They are being paid for their services for the people and government.

With our strong character and doing our moral duties we can check unnecessary advances from anyone as you have mentioned your experiences in this regard.

You touched on the problem my friend. There is a misconception that government workers are our servants. They are not. They are the Queens servants, in place to govern the people. Until people fix this error, we really won't be able to see the true relationships that we interact with every day. The government workers swear an oath to serve the queen, not us. As such they really are masters of the people, granted authority to be masters by the Queen.

The choice is always in the hands of the individual.

I never sign anything and never give a name when people ask, especially over the phone. Here, folks have a terrible habit of asking who they are talking to as soon as you say hello. My response is always, well who are you? You called me.

I have been dealing with lawyers for the past week and it has been an interesting experience. I have borrowed some law books and studied what was relevant to this case.

I have been asking for everything in writing and when I want to slow things up even more, I ask for a translator. This will get resolved but on peaceful terms.
Never volunteer information. Being silent confuses them.

Indeed. Silence and peace confuses them soooo much. The other thing I like to do is ask lots of questions. As long as somebody is asking questions in order to comprehend, they cannot proceed. They get really frustrated with that too! Bravo to you.

Thank you. I am trying and as time goes on I learn more and ask hundreds of questions.

Hey sir @wwf
Its really wonderful stuff and wrote great article. I read and learn at my lake of knowledge to describe as few event excel for me who junk is absolutely place on your ego or socializam.
In fellowship is usually worn as a stand by arrogance. But there's kind of a argument in the midst of thing forthright in what you are think, and other folks expression their derogatory opinions being honesty. 'Back To Love' is actually a way of letting other people experience that fact anyshows you get captivated in attempting to prevail at college or on your socializing, and it's a hint to not overlook that every day other folks have become eldest. Nobody is guaranteed tomorrow, so we should always ensure that we donate good quality show plus high quality other folks.
All the best and upvote your blogs.

Never thought of it this way. But as a simple person I would just answer "Yup, that's me".

My friend I agree with you in all his thoughts. We have to be more careful. I use an application in my phone that has a call-only feature from my records. I do not like the hassle very much.

Thank you for all the tips you provide

You are welcome.

Your attitude is a good one, never be too trusty in someone who Call You in the phone, and You dont know that person, is not good to give private information. Trust is necessary but with a limit of good sense.