No doubt that would intimidate me! Just because it's not a bear doesn't mean they couldn't do as much damage as one if they felt threatened. I believe in that too, a few months back a squirrel followed me up the road and then climbed up a tree and let me approach and pet it. It was awesome! Though I do wonder if maybe he/she was sick since normally they wouldn't allow for that. I've had a few interesting occurrences like this like when I had a hummingbird hover a few inches from my face randomly as I opened my door! That was wild. I wish I knew how to comment photos because I would totally post a picture of the forest spirit from princess mononoke hehe.
Also holy moly!! I feel tremendously blessed!!!!! Thankyou it certainly has motivated me to focus all my extra time here doing what I can to enrich the community, I don't think I'm that great at writing but with time I will get better, neural plasticity and whatnot hehe YAYY!!! :D