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RE: All life is sacred. No exceptions. No excuses.

in #ungrip7 years ago

This is the actual philosophy of life while after looking at our actions i feel so awful and painful when we harm the beauty of life. I am so touched after reading about the daughter of your friend- this should be stopped at once. Otherwise we are harming ourselves because ultimately we all the creature of the Creator. He sent us to spread love and peace not at all to break the spirit of Peace through evil practices , I am fully agreed the philosophy you shared my friend

Anybody who violates the will of another is engaged in an unholy act and breaking the sanctity of life and all that was formed by Creators hands. If we ignore, hide, support or encourage such behaviours, we are just as guilty as the ones who engaged in the act directly. If we hide behind masks of fictional constructs, then those constructs are evil and do not deserve to exist. None of these morally corrupt individuals deserve our loyalty, support or encouragement.

Yes, we all are responsible for the outcomes the actions we are doing. If we are spreading peace then we will receive Peace and if we are spreading hatred then ultimately hatred will come to us.