
Nicole, I ask that you do some of your own research before you post stuff like this. Matthew, for example, is a translation from Hebrew: מַתִּתְיָהוּ‎ Mattityahu or מתי‬ Mattay. So I can easily see how the word 'Matthew' was used as a translation from 'Mattityahu'. There is a lot of memes that floated around Facebook where people put zero effort into doing any research and just continue spreading ideas that are founded on half truths or lies themselves. Please don't get caught up with that stuff here. If you have research to prove your claim then fine. But this meme is a passive / aggressive way to attack people.

You suggest that the question within this meme raises an interesting point. So perhaps you should make that point then because I'm at a loss to see what the point is.

I am deeply hurt by this harsh admonishment. My intention was a little bit of light heartedness in what most people consider a very serious subject and my point was that NOTHING should be taken literally, even the Bible, or how we got the names in said Bible. I respect Steemit and its users and was under the impression humor was allowed here. I'm so sorry for whomever I offended by my insensitive meme, it won't happen again.