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RE: Debate Forum - Week 5 - Indigenous Reconciliation

in #ungrip7 years ago (edited)

as the question asked I will think that I have a power in the government, and I have enough power to do anything! and everyone listen to me and do the things that I say, then :
I let indigenous people live free! I let them use any services that other people of the country can use them too! and I will ask their needs!! but I will act equal with indigenous and other people.
If they live in a bad situation, a place where there is not enough services for them while there are better ones in other cities, then my mostly recommended work to do will be helping indigenous to have all the goods and services.
if we want to believe in country mode, then all the people of that country must look at each other like they are all one family! one family with differences in their ideas, in their traditions, in their clothing and styles, but I will see them all equal! and I try to do the best for all of them.

well till this part I think I didn't missed anything :)


This 'country' that you speak of represents 500 years of genocide, theft, raping and pillaging. The land that was once theirs has been taken over and ravaged by greed in order to feed the consumerism of the people so that the goods and services you offer can be delivered. As leader of this country, how do you plan on reconciling the relationship when you continue to advocate the use of the land that these people view as being sacred? The water is polluted as is the air. The trees are being cut down and nothing is being treated as sacred. How do you propose to help your population to recognize the sacredness of life so that the indigenous peoples feel like they are being heard and respected?

for me all the world is the same place, all the skies are the same sky! all the humans are the same, but except criminals! I think there is no land for anybody! there is no owner!! we're all going to die after 80, 90, or 100 years!! its so childish to call a place for ourselves!
watch this video :

@wwf but at the end I have to say, I don't believe in any governments, nobody care about people, and I can see people are talking about these holy things, holy places!?!?

I got it now, you mean we have a country with a situation just like you described it, its all good, but In that position and with the power that I have I only can start communication with Indigenous leaders, because they must have someone as a leader and they will listen to that person, then we can start to explain needs, and also we have to explain for them that as you said it's been 500 years passed, and we are in new world, we have to be together, we have to be friendly, we have to communicate and fix things together, Im sure there are ways better than war, and it's called peace, and you can't expect million of people leaving a place because 500 years ago that place was for another people, I am sure that there are many other places which was not for the ones who they live in those places in these years, or after 1000 years, we had many of these in history ... all the genocide, theft, raping and pillaging. these are happening in all the world! for example racist is not just for one country or 2 country, racist exist in any part of the world, so as a leader of the country which described up there :) I start fix things step by step and with communication and peace, and I also will take care of the nature and I wont let people destroy the nature! I will plan some new rules to limit them, because everyone knows that people need woods, people need natural energies and water and many other things, so I would stop the companies that polluted the water, and I will set a research team to find solution for the air problem, and finding the best way to fix it. if it's because of cars or factories or anything, we will find the problem first and then limit them or stopping them completely, indigenous people has rights, but we can negotiate with them and then we can find solutions together. to live in one country and live in peace.

I live in a place where we have different indigenous people, I am also indigenous, but the new generation and I can't speak my mother language or father language, but I think and I am sure the reason is because my language had nothing new or technology to make people learn it, for example even our Farsi language is filled with many English and French words :
we say : SMS , Message , deliver, mobile, computer, remove, install , add and .... (you see Farsi is destroyed without any war but only with technology)
so about the language there is no way but the only language can live more than other language which has something new to the world, and people will follow that, if I would still speak my father or mother language I couldn't read many Farsi books, because there was not much resources in my language, so after Farsi, I learned English to understand more and also use technologies and have more resources.
I said all of these to tell you that indigenous people are good but they also need to learn and study to understand more things, more technologies.
think if we had no study? could we even understand what is a computer then to use a site like steemit which is connected to blockchain?