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RE: Tackling the Climate Change issue

in #ungrip6 years ago

Agreed entirely, @wwf!

We haven't seen snow here yet (western Washington state) but fall definitely started about a week ago... normally we have lots of long sunny days till mid-October; now it's cool and rainy.

It really doesn't do us much good to run around in a circle going "the sky's gonna fall!" we need to DO things!

We live on the outskirts of a smaller town (about 9,000 people) and have been doing more and more "urban homesteading" over the past few years, getting rid of the expanse of lawn that was here when we bought the place, and replacing it with food growing areas. Plan to continue doing so. Only thing less than ideal is that we can't keep "livestock" animals according to neighborhood rules, but we're on the water so we have access to fish.



Good for you @curatorcat. The more people that take responsibility for their own food, the better this transition will go. We made sure to be away from any town or large city. While it is decidedly inconvenient, it is also a protection from being over run when the shit hits the fan. Yapping about the problem is not the solution. Actions speak louder than words in my view. Mother Earth will provide for those who did the work to build a healthy relationship with her. Peace to you.