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RE: In the interests of full disclosure ...

in #ungrip7 years ago

Thank you for sharing something that is so deep and personal and possibly a little terrifying for you. A lot of folks fear losing their memories or developing Alzheimer's as they age. There is a large possibility that you did suffer damage during ECT. After witnessing many treatments over the years I would definitely not subject myself or anyone I loved to that kind of torture. All the pharmaceuticals you were treated with probably compounded the problem. I am sure that you and Carey have discussed detoxing. One thing that hit me while I thought my memory was going, I had many mercury fillings in my teeth. Got rid of the fillings and detoxed. Problem solve for now...


This is one of the reasons why sharing is so good. You said something that I never considered yet. The mercury filling in my teeth! I've done lots of detoxes in the last few years and other protocols too. But I completely forgot about my teeth. This may be what is bothering me right now. Thank you my friend. Time to get that work done.

I also recognize that the ECT and drugs also did a considerable amount of damage, but my heart says that the mercury is the current issue. Thank you! I will be looking into this ASAP!

I am glad that I could be assistance. It was a friend who pointed out to me that the mercury fillings were leaching their poison into my body...