My opinion on the matter is rather bleak as well. I really do believe that billions will die because we refused to address these issues and are so hopelessly dependent upon the infrastructure that was built that most people lake the skills, knowledge, experience, tools, resources, etc to deal with any failure.
That will be the case if the system collapses for sure, which is absolutely far from a possibility. Humanity scaled too quickly too fast, and many will suffer.
People tend to forget that what we are experiencing right now is far for normal and has never been the way things have ever been. If we look at humanity from the top down, as a organism as a whole, there is unsustainable activity at every corner. We are living at odds with nature, all while ignoring the fact that we are a part of nature.
When the time comes, the human organism will contract, and it will hurt. We either learn from it, and grow a more sustainable future, or doom ourselves to see it happen again.
I agree with you. <3