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RE: My Independence day - April 12, 2008

in #ungrip7 years ago

Greetings @wwf, another demonstration of Taking Back Your Power, and doing so non-violently.

...she gave me the greatest gift anybody else could possibly give. She made my life so uncomfortable that it prompted me to wake up and start taking responsibility for my life.

Here you demonstrate - to my mind - a fundamental aspect of being non-violent ie seeing adversity as a teacher, guru even - and revering it as such!

Without such adversity (opression from govt. or groups or individuals, life situations etc) one might never have the opportunity to experience extreme states of mind which, as a result of the intensity of Darkness, also allow a corresponding Brilliance of Illumination, once they are assimilated, processed and transcended. Another way of putting it may be to say that the Service hereby rendered is one of bringing hidden and deep-rooted stuff to the surface thereby offering the possibility of release from it. This 'stuff' would otherwise remain concealed and continue to work negatively in the background of one's life - friends and loved ones unable to help! What an amazing Service this actually is!!

Your tirelessness is inspiring. May this by-gone decade be the end of 'struggling' and may the next decades of Independence bring deep joy and lasting peace to you and all those around.

With deep respect,

Namaste 🕉