The Mega Solar Storm that isn't: What's the Distraction?

in #unfuckers7 years ago


"BEWARE THE COMING SOLAR STORM!!!! ... It will take out the electrical grid, destroy satellites, and every piece of chocolate in the world will instantly melt!!!"

Everything except the chocolate part is the current ranting of the main stream media.

The short answer: There is no "Massive Solar Storm/Geomagnetic Storm" about to hit earth. then.... why the distraction? The "Fear Porn" feels a bit different this time....

From Zerohedge:




The interesting thing about this is that the Zerohedge article mentions the "Equinox Cracks" in the Earth's magnetic field that happen every spring and autumn equinox. This is a subject that has only been barely touched on in the past, and is rarely recognized as an actual event that directly effects our planet. Just recently Crow777 put out a radio podcast called "The Lost Equality of Equinoxes & Lunar Waves"

I was sent a copy of this pod cast the night it came out by a friend of mine who raised an eyebrow at the coinciding dates of ...March 18th. Some very interesting information is laid out in this vid.

Sooooo.... we have lots of political and financial bullshittery hitting epic levels this past two weeks, we have a solar event being pushed by the main stream AND alternative media, we have a small geomagnetic storm incoming, a mediumish sized solar coronal hole with increased solar wind streams, the spring equinox with it's "equinox cracks" in our magnetic field, the dramatic increase in cosmic rays entering our atmosphere over the past few years...


....and we have rumblings of mid-March dates being given out from multiple areas- on multiple topics- as "something is going to happen"...

Interesting times my friends!






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Solar Information:


News Links for this episode:


Posted from my blog with SteemPress :


It really appears as if something is in the making. The only comforting thought is that they have invested a lot into 5G and AI. I don't think they would have made these efforts if real damage to the system can be expected. Probably more of a psy-op or something localized to further Agenda 2030.

It would be good that everybody learns how to live off grid.

I've been a prepper for most of my adult life :D

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I grew up in the 60ties than we saw our parents prep and copied that.

It's snowing in Spring here, world over.

Interesting, I don't watch the MSM, I assume they explained how this is all Trump's fault right?

LOL of course it was ;)

Anything that will distract us from the Agenda 2030 that is currently taking place. Plus, if we are constantly afraid we will get sicker faster and more often.

Hold tight, it is going to be a bumpy ride!

P.S. Just an afterthought: If they are telling us, then it can't be that big of a deal!

That's what I think, they will not spread panic by telling us.

We get hit by solar flares all the time. I know a huge one is possible but I see no real reason to fear it. Will be interesting to see if we come up with a way to protect the powergrid in the future, just in case though.

I think this may be just one of many distractions from what governments, the mainstream media, and academia are trying desperately to keep from getting out: the world's climate IS warming, and the polar ice caps ARE melting, and they are both happening at an exponential rate! The average global temp reached a record high in 2014, followed by a new record in 2015, and still a new record in 2016. The average temp in 2017 was higher than 2015, but lower than 2016. This summer, the Arctic will probably go ice free for the first time in over 3 millions years. The supporting scientific evidence is unequivocal and the consequences for life on earth are dire.

I've tried to ease this information into my comments and posts, but it was pretty much ignored. People don't want to see the elephant in the room. They don't even want to see the mouse in the room. They just want someone to "blow sunshine up their cracks," as economic analyst Greg Mannarino says.

Well, maybe it's all for the better.

and if the arctic does not go ice free this summer will you question those other claims?

No, I won't question them because the scientific evidence is overwhelming. The arctic ice has been steadily shrinking for many years. One estimate I heard on the video in the link was a window of 2013 to 2019 for when the arctic ice would disappear completely. Now, of course, some ice would reappear the following winter when the arctic is dark for three months.

let's check in again in 2019 to see if that prediction comes true, if a model predicts something and it does not happen then the model must be flawed and should be questioned, that's the scientific method.

The temperature at the weather station at the northern tip of Greenland went above freezing for more than 62 consecutive hours at the end of February of this year. That has never happened before in the records. The Greenland ice sheet is becoming increasingly more unstable, as all the measurements have been showing. The climate is definitely changing.

that the climate is changing is unquestionable- ask any farmer and they'll tell you that. the question is: WHY? and I'll tell you right now that the propaganda of "CO2" emissions causing climate change is complete bullshit. The problem is that when anyone questions the official storyline, the official rhetoric... then are labeled deniers - We are not denying that the climate is changing- none of the "denier" scientists are saying that at all.... what they are saying is that the official narrative of "CO2" being the cause, is completely false and a piece of propaganda that is being use to further corporate control/money.

I'm not even saying that, I am just asking him if he will reevaluate his conclusions when his predictions fail.

From what I've seen, some scientists are not positive if the climate warming is caused by human activity. There's a strong correlation between the increase in CO2 in the atmosphere and the warming. But then, is the increase in CO2 caused by human activity or just natural?

How long has that weather station been there?
Why do you think it was named "Greenland"?
You have a model that predicts an ice free summer in the arctic next summer or maybe the summer after that, if there is not a ice free summer this year or next then your model is wrong, isn't it?
Of course the climate is changing, it always has, the question here is whether the claims you are making about it are correct.

The melting of the Arctic ice is not the problem - it's just a symptom. Another symptom is that the oceans are warming and becoming more acidified and this is causing a massive loss of sea life even now. If the warming continues, we'll probably see widespread crop failures and so, together with the loss of seafood, famine is going to be the problem.

Yep. Seems like something is a little different. I hope it is positive for us....praying it is.