Welcome to the RAWR Radio, we are Underground Hip-Hop Audio Community! We keep the delivery RAWR just like you like you Hip-Hop. We feature Underground, Unsigned, & Independent Hip Hop Artist!! Providing an opportunity to these artists to not just be heard but to expand their own fan base.
As RAWR Radio is a community organization and not funded through any commercial means. We welcome and appreciate and al all donations to keep this audio community in place to provide a platform and opportunity for artist to further their career. (18+)
Live Broadcast are Fri. & Sat 9pm - Midnight CST (10pm EST, 8pm MST, 7pm Pacific). We building a stage!!
Listen via AudioNow @ 515-605-9584 (No Data Charge!)Listen - http://mixlr.com/rawr-radio/
Whatever you do, Do it RAWR!!! SUBMIT TRACKS TO: REALWORLD@REALRAWR.COM www.RealRawr.com
Twitter - @ TheRawrRadio
Instagram - @rawr_radio
Google+ - https://plus.google.com/u/0/+RAWRRadio SoundCloud - https://soundcloud.com/rawr-radio YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channe...TSLjCDTvXuoOAug
Good article