Note: I have decided I will do some investigating on this myself, and publish a story of my findings here within the week.
Wow... yesterday the House quietly passed H R 6393. As well as a majority of unrelated subjects (as per our government's standards of practice) it covers the subject of "Russian Propaganda" as they deem independent news agencies such as Breitbart, The Drudge Report, The Corbett Report, Anti-War, and many other outlets "fake" news citing sources of "Russian Propaganda" outlets. Now if I remember correctly the constitution prohibits censoring the press. Just because outlets are publishing stories not government approved they're fake? Who's pushing propaganda here? Is it Russia with stories labeling Hillary Clinton as a terror sponsor? (We all know this true. 2 mins of investigating Huma Abedin or The Clinton Foundation lead you directly to the Saudi government, the biggest sponsors of terror and the attacks of 9/11.) Or is it our MSM outlets that have been outed for feeding Clinton questions before debates, and collaborating stories with the "establishment elite politicians" (in quotes because I find this to be the rule rather than the exception. We should label those nonestablishment politicians since they're harder to find.)? The precedent set here is dangerous for so many reasons. It's funny that we were cool with Russia until they had the Rothschilds arrested and took back their central banking. We demonize them for inhabiting the Ukraine when 97% of the people voted to rejoin their home country of Russia. We demonize them for fighting Syria and Turkey, ISIS apologists. Who's our enemy here? Russia, the country battling for sovereignty from global police/elites like the U K did with Brexit (if you think the E U is done there just wait. Look what their central bank is doing to their currency.)? Or is our enemy the very government in our face every day stealing our individual liberties, monitoring our behaviors through unconstitutional spying programs, and inciting race riots while waging war on the men and women peacefully protesting the unlawful confiscation of their land in North Dakota for corporate greed?