On the planet today we can't manage without the web has it create great income for huge organizations all around the globe today. The web has given open door for individuals all around the globe to form themselves into one field through which they can profit on the web. Today we have web radio , online television , live communicate of an occasion on the web, scholars, bloggers, website specialist, visual fashioner , online advertisers/influencers and some more. The web brought forth this and there is requirement for their administrations to achieve the world. This is the reason UMKA bring a stage through blockchain innovation interface consultants and individuals who require their administration. This stage will be on ethereum blockchain where the UMK token will be issued from and it will be an ERC20 token.
No certification: no assurance on a legitimate satisfaction and furthermore no assurance on installment.
Client collaboration: on all the stage that an accessible communication is just conceivable through shared process. What's more, there is a requirement for different specialists that are dealing with a straightforward undertaking to make utilization of live correspondence.
Safe arrangement: through the Agile Smart Contract (ASC) brilliant contract will permit advance installments and it will likewise add acquaintance of changes with the agreements.( with the assent of the two gatherings )
Venture gathering: any UMKA managers will have the capacity to make an undertaking gathering to sort out the work that numerous consultants are taking a shot at to a solitary assignment.
High commission: leaving stage commission and expense are high yet on UMKA you will be charge at a decent rate.
With UMKA clients will have the capacity to bargain securely, this is done through an Agile brilliant get that permits fruitful installment.
WITH UMKA seeking of specialists will be made less demanding.
Google Neural Machine Translation coordinated in UMKA's talk motor will help encourage correspondence inside clients of various nations.
With Umka, the honesty of expert specialist is ensured.
With UMKA incorporated online courses, clients of the framework will have the capacity to take online courses in world's driving instructive foundations.
UMKA environment will clear route for alluring independent openings for work.
Umka will help make proficient networks.
With Umka clients' installment through the blockchain innovation is ensured.
The computerized international ID put away on the blockchain contains client's information, this will includes clients aptitudes and some other capabilities. This will have the capacity to assist managers with locating consultants with the required abilities.
UMKA will fill in as business openings.
Sharing encounters with the world
Feedback from work showcase
Growth of interest for administrations
There is easy to use interface executed as a versatile application, a web rendition and a work area customer (4Q, 2018)
There will be a client arranged administration and 24-hour specialized help.
Customers will be ready to make bargains in all different digital forms of money like ETH, BTC, LTC and numerous others.
Accepted monetary forms in UMKA framework are: BTC, ETH,Bitcoincash, Dash, Dogecoin, Emercoin, Ethereum Classic, Litecoin, Ripple, Fiat monetary forms
UMKA will be a brilliant contract on the EOS blockchain, where clients will have the capacity to complete an arrangement safely and each and every arrangement will be identifiable.
UMK token is an ERC20 token based on the Ethereum Blockchain.
Token issued: 180,000,000
Token cost: 0.10$/1
Softcap: 1,000,000$
Hardcap: 10,000,000$
Acknowledged monetary forms: ETH
The group comprise of individuals who comprehend business , outsourcing and blockchain innovation
This is a one of a kind undertaking with great highlights since it will help a large number of consultants around the globe. This task require everybody support to endeavor.
To know more about UMKA visit the following links
Author: Bunmi
Bitcointalk Username: Bunmi1989
UMKA's Website:
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