Let The Fun Begin: Chapter 1 - True Chaotic Vs Team Dojo - Z


It was a typical Monday afternoon on the outskirts of Shikoku Island, Kami had just received her official email from the recruitment department of Ultimate Wrestling. An undercover assignment led by her American friends, Colton and Cassandra Hurst and their parents.
A front to be used for gathering information on the Yakuza and their involvement with an American mobster, Dominic Mikaelson. Kami was a student at Rice University, in Houston Texas. Taking up classes in Military and Computer science, Kami worked her way around mastering the mathematics of the world wide web. Kami’s interest in the dark web led her in the direction of her sensei, Megan Forester’s son, JR Forester. JR was a brilliant internet savage. A highly acclaimed hacker in the U.S, under various names and aliases, one, The Ice Dragon. Kami spent many years under JR’s direction, not only on the dark web, but in personal relations. It was at Rice University where they would come to meet. Being the roommate of her now employer, Cassie Hurst, Kami’s interest in computers and her abilities led by the undertaking of JR, sparked an interest in the Hurst family. For years, the Mikaelson clan had been a thorn, to say the least, in the Hurst’s side. For personal reasons this is a story better left for another day.


Hara was sitting on the sofa inside Kami’s, now also his, kominkan; he sits with his legs crossed up underneath his upon the sofa with a game controller in hand. Studying the visual on the seventy-two-inch screen, Hara whales out as he was blasted from inside the game. With the kill, Hara checks his phone as a ping was heard. It also was an email from Ultimate Wrestling. He drops his feet to the floor, looking on in excitement. It had only been a few weeks since signing their contracts that their first match would take place. Not much detail was given in the email, just the name of their first opponents. Hara would shout out to Kami. “Yo, Cuz, did you get an email just now from Ultimate Wrestling?”

Kami home.jpg

Kami was on the back patio, sitting quietly enjoying the view and tranquility with a glass of sake in hand wearing her kimono. She looks over towards the patio door, to see Hara walking in her direction. "Yes, Toad, I just read my email." She takes a sip of her sake. "You seem rather pleased."


Hara walks out onto the patio. "Of course I am Tenshi. I am kind of bored. You are so busy with the clicky, clicky that I don't get to do much. At least now I have something to look forward to." Hara keeps going through his phone. He sees a message from Colton Hurst. "Shipping you something. Make it disappear. You and Kami video call us as soon as possible." Hara looks over at Kami. "Tenshi, Colton wants us to video chat him and Cassie as soon as possible.” Kami spins in Hara’s direction, laughing. “Tenshi huh? I cannot remember a time anyone ever called me an angel." She stands to her feet and grabs him by the arm. "Let me get the laptop, unless you just want to use facetime.” They walk in as Kami fixes her Kimono.
Hara stands a bit straighter and gets the door for Kami. "Maybe we facetime them in case you need to do some top-secret hacker stuff." He walks into the main room and grabs the tablet. He facetimes Colton and brings the image up on the large monitor that he was playing video games on. He sees Colton standing in a kitchen along with Cassie and a woman with long dark hair and tattoos. There is a small child running around, he must be six or seven years old. Sitting off to the side, is a man with short brown hair drinking a soda and just taking little glances at Cassie. Hara excitedly speaks. "SAMMY.. CUZ.. What is happening little man?" The little boy stops in his tracks and looks at the screen. "Uncle Hara.. I got my first black eye. Some big kid was picking on this little girl and being mean to her. So, I made him stop. Remember rule number two. Fight for people who can't fight for themselves." Hara smiles as he looks at Sammy. " Way to go little cuz. You take care of those little girls of yours. I bet you made Makua very proud." Just then Kami walks into the room. She hears Sammy talking. "Auntie Kami!!! How are you? I miss you. I beat up my first bully." Kami starts to smile. "That's nice to hear Sammy, also remember, fighting will not solve all your problems, but a kendo stick to the head will." She winks at him, as Colton motions for her to stop. "Don't give the kid any more ideas, I got in trouble for this little stunt." Colton smiles, while tossing up a thumbs up, hidden from Lily. "Who is that hunk of flesh sitting on the bar stool taking no, no glances at Cassie." Cassie's eyes grew wide, and her face turns a bright shade of red. "That's a friend, his name is William." William looks up for a moment with a wave. "We just recently met when he had to take me to the hospital to see Mom when my truck broke down." Kami smiles, "Friend...right!!" She winks. "So, why the sudden urgency to call? Is everyone ok?" Kami looks on with concern.
Colton just shakes his head. "It is a shit storm here. Mom is in the hospital in an induced coma due to a head injury. We don’t know what is going to happen to her. The cops are acting like it was Pop’s fault. Can you investigate Officer Keith Stone of the SAPD. I get a weird vibe from that guy. I think he may be one of Dominic's guys."


Kami takes a step into the other room; she walks back with a black box and a laptop. She flips the laptop open and immediately begins to type. She looks up to the screen and she looks back down, now inserting the cord to the black box into the usb port. Hara stands looking over her shoulder as she once again looks up from the screen. " Officer Keith A. Stone, SAPD, 4569 Rosewood Dr. San An, Texas. Father of Tomas J. Stone age 4 and Marisa T. Stone age 3. No wife listed. Looks like he's been employed with SAPD for about 6 years. The last known information on a wife, Leslie Stone, was 3 years ago. Unexpected illness presumed to be cause of death." I am not seeing anything related to a Mikaelson, but I would need to go to the hideout for more tracking. Does this help you, Colton? “Kami looks up, now noticing Cassie and the young man in the background laughing and playing slapsies with each other. She laughs. "Friends...right!" She takes a side eye over to Hara who quickly turns his head.
Hara leans down and whispers in Kami's ear. "Have you ever seen her like that before? She looks happy."
Kami nudges Hara with her shoulder. "Not now Toad, we are on the damn screen." Kami's eyes widened as she just said aloud what she meant to keep to herself. She keeps her head straight forward, hoping no one paid attention. Cassie looks up and immediately catches the slip. "Strays..huh?" Kami bites her lip and gives a slight snarl to Cassie's face.
Colton looks at the girls and then back at the screen. "It seems things here are getting a bit sideways. I think we are going to have to start taking things into our own hands. None of this goes to Pops; he has too much to worry about right now. We need you two to find some kind of connection between the Yakuza and that prick Dominic. I know something is going on." Hara steps away from Kami. "Well we got an email today about our first match. Now we can start looking there as well. I think it will be fun. Tenshi here is a little nervous about. it" Hara turns and shoots a sly wink at Kami.

Kami shakes her head, "Toad over here calling people angel and all." She rolls her eyes at him as she tries not to seem excited. "Yes, we have our first opponents Team Dojo-Z; from what I was able to scan.." she smiles. "They are a couple of students of Devin Zeagals Aikido school. Must be small town, I have not heard of them. But we will see. I think it will be good practice for Toad, here." Kami shoves her hand into Hara's shoulder." "They may even go easy on him." she smiles.
Colton looks at the two of them and gives them a puzzled look. "Seems you two are getting along ok. Hara, I need you to give me a call. We have some stuff to talk about." Colton turns and walks out of the room. Hara looks at Kami. "I guess that means now, Tenshi. Back in a bit." Hara leaves the room and walks out to the outside patio. Lily gets on the screen. "You two seem to be getting along pretty good. Is there something you want to talk about girl?"
Kami turns to look behind her watching out for Hara. "Nothing really to tell, he's only been here a few weeks, but he snores loud, farts in his sleep. and props his feet up on the table. other than that, he is a pretty cool guy. BUT don't you dare tell him I said that! His ego is as big as..." she pauses as Lily's eyes grew wide. "mouth." Kami smiles and Lily has a look of disappointment on her face. "Girl, I was just about to get excited for you." She winked. Kami smiles and looks to the background to see Cassie walking over. "It's about time you stop sucking face and come chat." Kami sticks her tongue out to Cassie.
"Girl, stop. I just met the guy. But he is hot!" Cassie grins, while fanning her face with her hand. "So, I guess I should be asking you the same thing, how is it going with Hara. Didn't I tell you to watch out for those eyes." Kami blushes. "So, Mom isn't doing well Colton says. has there been any improvements?" Sadly, Cassie lowers her head and replies. "None as of yet, but nothing is getting worse that we know of. I just don't understand how Kita got spooked like he did. The only thing I can think of is Xander must have come towards mom. I wished I knew why. Colton was right though; I need to have a talk with Damon. see if he knows anything." Kami squints her eyes and begins to type again on the laptop. "If I can break through the smoke from camera 4, I should be able to tell from the angle of the camera. But what did you say his last name was? I may be able to find something out." Cassie turned in Colton's direction. "Bro...What did you say Xander's last name was? Kami is going to look him up." Colton turns to Cassie. "Rexall, Xander Rexall.” Kami begins to search him up. and she notices something that she needs to look further into, before saying what she found. "Cass, I need to do this at the hideout; something isn't right with this laptop. If it's that important, I can go now and leave you guys to chit chat with Hara. It will not take me long." Cassie shrugs her shoulders, it's alright Kami..it can wait. We haven't talked in a while unless you are just eager to get back to Hara that is." Cassie laughs.
Hara comes back to the door. He walks over to Kami; he leans in and whispers in her ear. Kami gets up and heads out of the room. Hara looks up at the screen. "Hello ladies, how are you doing?" Cassie stands straight, and in her upmost Hara expression she replies. "HEY, CUZ!!!" She relaxes her body and begins to laugh as Hara shakes his head.
"You seem in good spirts Miss Cassie. Seems like in all the darkness something is shining on you. Could it be The Big Kahuna sitting over there?"
"Hara!!!" Cassie blushes as she slowly turns to see if William was listening. As Cassie turned back, William tosses a thumbs up to the screen as Hara laughs. "Why did you run Kami off? You know we were just talking about you." she winked at Hara.
"She had to receive a package that Colton sent." All was quiet for a moment when the power went out on Cassie's end. Hara can only hear Lily calling for Colton and Sammy, and William trying to find Cassie. Hara panicked. "Cassie, Lily what is going on?" Just then a gunshot is heard followed by a scream. Hara grabs his phone. "Kami something is going on at Cassie's house. The power went out and then I heard a gunshot. Can you get eyes on them?"
