Bullying is a social problem among people today in the society where it affects young and old alike. But unlike adults, children being bullied is something serious. Worse, it sometimes leads to suicide.
Today, our school has strengthened its campaign against bullying. My students, as young as they are, were all aware of its bad effects in both emotional and social well being of the bully and the victim of it.
Part of their activity was a film viewing. And of course, they enjoyed coloring of the slogan, "Say No to Bullying! Be a Good Person."
I hope my students will grow up to be as good persons. Bullying as we all know doesn't just come out naturally but because of the influence and imitation from others. As an adult, let us be a good example to the young ones. Just be a 'good person'.
You are right that a person should not be bully cause it’s really harmful.
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