Hi, uloggers!
Wow...its been amazing today and I thought to share with you all about it.
Am an intern...yes, the school calendar says so but I couldnt secure a placement as I should have and I have been home waiting, searching and strategizing on what next to do. Seriously, its really boring to stay at home.
Thanks to my thinking ability...it worked!! I recalled my cousin owned a system hardware and software maintenance shop down the lane where I lived and I thought to step out and speak with him about coming around to learn from him. I did that...ofcourse, he agreed and am so glad I stepped out. You know, a popular adage says:
The journey of a thousand miles begins with the 'decision to step out' and then, 'taking the step'!
Thats the motivation I got before stepping out from home. I fought so hard to go because its kind of related to what I should be doing at the time. I felt it should probably have been a manufacturing plant or Oil&gas firm, a drill site or....(you know, those thoughts but thank God it didnt stop me anyway).
Its been a week now and for real, I mean it...I love my experience there and I have been thinking on this all the time since I resonated with the reason why I am there:
No one ever gets the picture at inception but when you start, the picture becomes clearer in HD
I will introduce you to a colleague, a trainee also but an expert in graphics...graphic design. Lol...I must learn from him too
Meet Caleb!#He's good with graphic designs .
I cant end this without thanking @surpassinggoogle for the assurance of being a part of the #ulog team. I am grateful and glad to share.
Lastly, keep ulogging!!
You have a minor misspelling in the following sentence:
It should be calendar instead of calender.Ok...Thanks.
I will correct that .