Firstly, i'd like to explain the meaning of Hiking, for some of us that don't know what its all about.
Hiking is known as a long walk. Its an activity of going for long walks in the country side for pleasure, knowledge, sports and exercise.
Nigeria, located on the Western part of Africa, on the Gulf of Guinea, has many natural landmarks and wildlife reserves. And as a curious person, i decided to observe the beautiful, natural gifts, by going hiking.
This day was a great opportunity for me and my friends to see the natural entities created by God. I'm currently based in the Nigerian's capital, known as the Federal Capital Territory(FCT), Abuja, which is tagged the "Centre of Unity".
Abuja is found on the Northern part of Nigeria. The capital city is naturally endowed with Hills, mountains and highlands.
That's the national stadium behind me.
I'm sure most of us didn't know Nigeria was this beautiful 😁
So at first, I and my friends were contemplating on which mountain to go hiking... We thought of going to " The Horn" in Kubwa, but mehnnn..the sight of that mountain alone, scares the hell out of me. Then we thought of mountain Bayruwa, after Gwoza market, Airport road. Smh, it scares me too. It was my first time going hiking. I didn't plan on breaking a leg on the first day 😱 so we concluded on going to the mountain at Magic Land, close to the Abuja City gate. Sigh, I felt a sign of relief.
We planned for our hike, invited other of our friends and mutual friends. And we were 32 that made it. We all met at the entrance of Magic Land before we started climbing.
, @precise, @cloh76.witness, @ausbitbank and @curie who have been adding valuable contribution to the community.
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