That was pretty funny. I knew you could do it. I might have to try my hand at kimchee now. If you want to make something you are guaranteed to say, “never again in a million years” try making filo dough from scratch.
Posted using Partiko iOS
That was pretty funny. I knew you could do it. I might have to try my hand at kimchee now. If you want to make something you are guaranteed to say, “never again in a million years” try making filo dough from scratch.
Posted using Partiko iOS
I'd have to make gluten-free filo dough - I think that doesn't even exist .... damn.... Gluten Free Phyllo Dough (Fillo) and Spanakopita.
Here we go again. SMH, FML.
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh girl!!!!!!!!!!!!! youre gonna die laughing
but i seriously have THE recipe for gluten free spanakopita.
and i'm not joking.. this shit is the bomb.
i JUST did it the other day and was gonna write a post on it. i'm so so so serious!!!!! LOLOL i'm laughing my ass off because i know you're not gonna believe me - but IT IS THE BOMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and there is no such thing as gluten free phyllo dough - believe me. i've looked EVERY freaking place.
just - wait. wait til you see the post. and then i won't even shame you into trying it. cuz its totally not healthy in the least - so i can't even like guilt you using the MAGIC word.
but its DIVINE.
This is an AMAZING recipe!!!!!! Hahahahahahhaa but perhaps just use Maangchi's original post lolololol
I guess I did forget to mention the sugar??? Lolol I don't know. I am still laughing!!!!!!!!
i did NOT forget to mention the sugar!!!!! LOLOLOLOL